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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Salisbury, Be Warned – the City's Debt Limit Could Be Removed Soon!

At this week's work session the City Council will consider a proposal by the Ireton administration that would vitiate the City's debt limit – not by repealing it, but instead by changing how it would apply in the future. If a particular debt obligation provides for payment from any of the so-called enterprise funds, such as those for parking facilities or the sewer and water systems, that amount would not be counted towards the current debt limit.

A memorandum by the City’s treasurer ("Director of Internal Services") states that the current debt of the enterprise funds that would be eliminated from the total limit is almost $54 million – more than half of the total debt limit. The memo also reveals why this shenanigan is being proposed: "to pursue finalizing the MDE loans planned to fund the Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrades scheduled later this year." In other words, the city can't borrow enough money to fix the "new" sewer treatment plant because of the current debt limit, so something must be done. Since raising the debt limit would be unpopular and this is an election year, simply change how it operates.

But that's not the only reason for the proposed change. There would be no meaningful limit on the City's debt, because any obligation could provide that it is to be paid from one or another enterprise fund, including that new one – funded by the "rain tax" – for stormwater that Ireton and Jake Day just pushed through. To gain needed funds to pay the debt, the related charges to the public such as sewer and water charges and parking fees or, in the case of the rain tax, property owners, could be increased by any amount at any time. And if an appropriate enterprise fund does not already exist, then it can be created.

This is a foolhardy manner by which to solve the City’s problem of the moment, and the situation is being used to remove an effective and absolute limit on the City's debt. That will surely result in unrestrained borrowing for spending, leading to greater debt and increases in the city's taxes and fees. City residents and property owners would be wise to oppose this change, both loudly and forcefully. If they don't block it, they deserve its inevitable consequences.

Now that you've been warned, do something.


  1. Mayor should just raise taxes!.

  2. the SKY'S the limit!

  3. Tighlman, Dunn, Cathcart, Comegys and Shields are responsible for a majority of that debt left behind from the WWTP fiasco. People, don't forget the past, or you are doomed to repeat the same failures. Sludge pit, fines from MDE, pipes from the zoo emptying into the stream in the park. The evidence is in the archive of this blog site. Thank you Salisbury News!

    1. WWTP, Thank you John Jacobs for pushing a WWTP that never worked a
      ANYWHERE in the world wasting millions than running away.

    2. Sounds like someone got paid! !

  4. If you dont like the game just change the rules, wish I could do that!

    1. Don't change the game, change the players!

  5. It's called 'Off Line Accounting'

    It's a political ponzi scheme to extract more wealth from City Taxpayers.

  6. And there's more to be said. Fake Day and his ilk are pushing an expensive "revitalization" plan for downtown that would involve mega bucks, borrowed by bond debt.

    Salisbury property owners, please bend over, this won't hurt.

  7. Unfortunately, Salisbury is now controlled by tax and spend socialists (Ireton and Day) and welfare queens (Miitchell and Shields). And it's going to be much worse after the election this year.

  8. Under Tilghman-Dunn-Comegys and now Ireton-Day, Salisbury has become the laughingstock and shithole of the Shore!

  9. Ireton and his crony duncan will run Salisbury into the ground.

  10. Anonymous said...
    And there's more to be said. Fake Day and his ilk are pushing an expensive "revitalization" plan for downtown that would involve mega bucks, borrowed by bond debt.

    Salisbury property owners, please bend over, this won't hurt.

    February 15, 2015 at 1:17 PM

    The problem with revitalizing downtown is not a concern of property owners elsewhere in the city. In essence what that means is that city tax payers will be footing the bill to renovate someone elses buildings on the downtown plaza. The city does not own that property and it is not the responsibility of the tax payers to fix up someone elses property.

    I have an idea I have property near Ghettoville Church Street. Why don't you come revitalize our homes.

    Jim Ireton, Jake Day and Laura Mitchell you tax whores should rot in HELL!!

    I will spend my last nickel to anyone running against these 3 scumbags. Funny how Laura Mitchell and Shanie Shields have never owned property or paid taxes yet they get to make decisions on my money.

  11. I have relatives that live in Virginia and they always complain about coming to Salisbury. It is, what it is. They would rather travel to Norfolk than come here and shop.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Ireton and his crony duncan will run Salisbury into the ground.

    February 15, 2015 at 2:04 PM

    While Duncan and it's husband live on nice property on the Wicomico River living it up.

    1. It's husband is nothing more than a beard.

  13. Anonymous said...
    Ireton and his crony duncan will run Salisbury into the ground.

    February 15, 2015 at 2:04 PM

    This should read Duncan and his crony Ireton

  14. Can the city please rehire pam oland before she ruins the county recreation department. G.M. would have never had to go to another colon exam as long as she was around.

  15. Anonymous said...
    I have relatives that live in Virginia and they always complain about coming to Salisbury. It is, what it is. They would rather travel to Norfolk than come here and shop.

    February 15, 2015 at 2:15 PM

    I don't blame them there is nothing at this mall and it is becoming run down and shops are bailing out quick.

    I noticed walking down the halls of the mall last night with my family that we were minorities in that mall and I expected a fight to start any time. When I say minorities I mean there were about 85% blacks in the mall and they weren't there shopping. It was a place for them to hang out where it was warm and they didn't have to be outside. They were not spending money and I doubt they had money to spend. They were all mostly middle school and high school age. The were running up and down the halls. They were horse playing and cutting up. I was watching them and they were looking other blacks up and down and laughing at them as they walked by. There were no benches to sit on if I needed to rest because they were occupied by young blacks. It was so bad that my son said they didn't want to keep walking because he was scared. I needed to shop and my kids wanted to go to the mall to spend their gift cards. We ended up leaving and I doubt seriously I will be going back any time soon.

    Take my word for it the mall is no place to go to for shopping in Salisbury anymore.

    A line from yesterdays article about the mall proves my point. "Another incident, about an hour-and-a-half later, involved too many people trying to get on a bus to the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, police said." See what I said about you black thugs. They are being shipped in from UMES. You know the place with drugs and several unsolved murders.

  16. Anonymous said...
    Can the city please rehire pam oland before she ruins the county recreation department. G.M. would have never had to go to another colon exam as long as she was around.

    February 15, 2015 at 2:19 PM

    Pam Oland is working for Wicomico County Parks and Recs? Bob Culver are you paying attention? Get rid of this problem. WTH hired her?

  17. This post is about an important matter -- a scam by Ireton and Day that has nothing o do with Pam Oland or matters at the mall. Please keep the comments on the point of the post.

  18. "Funny how Laura Mitchell and Shanie Shields have never owned property or paid taxes yet they get to make decisions on my money."

    Sheanie has owned a house and lost it to the bank.

  19. This sounds like they took the ENRON school for accounting classes and passed with honors I was born and raised in Salisbury and about 15 yrs ago moved to Ocean Pines to take care of my dad, we now live in Willards and we go to Delaware to shop not Salisbury. I don't like looking at how run down and gloomy that city feels to me, they should place tombstones at the main roads marking the death of Salisbury!

  20. sounds like the Obama game of just print more money

  21. Jack Heath --

    Terry Cohen would have opposed this outrage. What about you?

  22. Who would want to run for mayor when it's become a rental community, crime ridden, overtaxed, run down minority city. 100 top communities my a$$.

  23. These are the collage educated wise leaders ?Salisbury needs someone that has common sense and is honest ,not these wise missleading FOOLS .The answer is to vote them OUT

  24. Property owners should sell NOW take a loss before it becomes a beating ,remember you DO NOT have a vote

    1. I'm trying to sell but can't take a 50,000 dollar hit

  25. Voting them out sounds so good. Question is, who will run against them? Who wants to run this city? Who has what it takes to tighten the belt and do what is right by the property owners? Answer...NO ONE

  26. Not funny, but could be funny if some young thug ran and with all the criminals supporting him he could win. Salisbury right for the taking.

  27. wait, the cities debt total is near 108 million? and the budget is what? 64 million? Salisbury is basically insolvent if these numbers are close to being true.

  28. 6:46 --

    You are right in the normal sense, but the City has a huge source of funds -- taxes and fees -- that a typical business does not have.

  29. Salisbury has been a rental slum zone for many years. There are a small handful of locals that have made millions off of the rental slum market. They have run this city for a long time and all of the wanna be politicians have always towed the line for them. I don't see it changing anytime soon unless you elect an outsider like Joe, or someone like him. Otherwise you get different face same game.

  30. 6:45pm...Not funny, but could be funny if some young thug ran and with all the criminals supporting him he could win. Salisbury right for the taking.

    Thats exactly whats already happened, just replace the word young with gay, progressive fascist drug users...

  31. More news that won't appear in the Daily Times or be reported on WBOC and WMDT.

  32. Why would a city who's goal is to expand and grow want to raise their debt limit??? Hmmmmm... Look into it for yourself and it might make a little more sense.

  33. I'm outta here. Take my house; it's only worth half what I paid for it and will never go up. This is the last straw. If the bank doesn't like it, well, too bad.

    It's happening. It's not like I got the bailout. I'll hand mine to them!

    Salisbury is becoming Little Baltimore, and I never wanted to but there either.

  34. GARY Mackes hired Pam Oland.She is now in the #2 Position(with Andy Wisk)at the Civic Center.She didn't like the furniture in her office so GARY approved her ordering brand new furniture for her entire office. Wonder what that costs?? She is Dangerous!!Hopefully Mr Culver will take care of this problem as well and SOON!!

  35. Just a question, why does the county need deputy directors? Most make good money, but do less work then the director and less then those under them. Detention center has two? Help me understand this. Maybe Bob should look at this.

  36. The Civic Center has TWO Deputy Directors! What a waste !!

  37. Bob will get around to dealing with all of it. Alot of fat to be trimmed everywhere. Certain departments supervisors keeps pushing supervisor work on the working employee while they can sit back on the p/c ,go to important meetings and ride in circles. But! With Bob it will come full circle and him and everyone else will know they were never needed anyway and more great savings for the taxpayer.

  38. The meeting mentioned in the post was postponed due to the weather, but Day and Ireton will soon get the charter changed so they can use borrowed funds to spend without any limit and then raise taxes and fees to do the bond payments.

  39. Mayor wants to spend 8 million dollars on downtown but cant afford a dump truck with a plow.

  40. What the chief wants the chief gets.


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