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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Residents Urged to Prepare for Snow

February 25, 2015, the National Weather Service is calling for snow accumulations tonight ranging from four to eight inches for the Lower Eastern Shore. The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office and Worcester County Emergency Services (WCES) urge residents to remain indoors and stay off the roads once conditions deteriorate.

The heaviest snow accumulations are expected to take place from midnight tonight into mid morning Thursday. Those who must venture out onto area roadways are warned to exercise extreme caution, as slick conditions and periods of low visibility will make driving hazardous.

WCES cautions that hypothermia can occur quickly when exposed to low temperatures. Bundle up if headed outdoors. Wear layers of lightweight clothing that can be added to or removed as needed and protect extremities by wearing gloves and hats. Be sure to protect pets from the cold as well by bringing them indoors and providing them with access to unfrozen water.

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