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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Phillips: It's Time For Mitch McConnell to Go

Conservatives are shocked.

It isn’t House Speaker John Boehner who is hoisting a freshly laundered white flag of surrender. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell seems to have stolen it from Mr. Boehner.

Shockingly enough, Mr. Boehner seems ready to fight Barack Obama on the Department of Homeland Security appropriations bill.

This fight has been brewing since the end of last year, when the so-called “Cromnibus” bill was passed by Congress and sent to the White House.

Conservatives screamed loudly about the “Cromnibus” bill. It funded the government through September 2015, with the exception of the Department of Homeland Security. Conservatives thought this was a really bad idea since the American people had just given the Republicans control of the Senate and conservatives thought the will of the people should be honored. Instead of funding the government for the entire year, conservatives thought the government should just be funded for a couple of months and let the new Republican majority decide spending instead of outgoing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

Even though Mr. McConnell was not the majority leader, he led the fight in the Senate to get Republicans onboard with the “Cromnibus.”

For the last few weeks, the battle has been fought over the Department of Homeland Security appropriations bill. The Republicans in the House passed an appropriations bill that blocked funding for President Obama’s executive amnesty program. Senate Democrats filibustered the bill.

Leader McConnell had promised the GOP would block any funding of Mr. Obama’s executive amnesty. Faced with the potential shut down of the Department of Homeland Security, Mr. McConnell has decided he would rather surrender than fight.

More here


  1. Smoke and mirrors, a shell game of traitors.

  2. It's both of them! !!! They have been there so long special interest need these two useless POS. McCain and Lindsay graham need to go as well. Obama's getting away with everything because these ball less idiots allow it.

  3. $$$$$$$$$$$ , he was paid off , money talks to all politics.
    Thanks Obama , just print some more money.
    Take your blinders off people .

  4. Coward!! Not what he was elected to do!

  5. it is time for obama to go not the ruling party in congress the dems would rather vote along party lines than give in to the gop that is trying to put american CITIZENS to work and not illegals that are taxing the education and welfare rolls,not counting the health costs that are creating a burden on the american working class GOD BLESS AMERICA

  6. You don't think Mitch knows what he's doing?
    The accusations set forth by The Nation and other publications are that James Chao, father of Mitch McConnell’s wife Elaine, is tied to a ship that was found to contain 40 kilograms (over 90 pounds with a value of over $60 million) of cocaine.
    Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/1583268/vote-mitch-mcconnell-turtle-thrown-onto-back-by-cocaine-and-two-voter-fraud-scandals/#GIsL8hIFh8hX7oGu.99
    He's untouchable!


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