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Monday, February 02, 2015

Paper Ballots Return To Maryland Elections

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — Maryland voters will return to casting ballots on paper starting with the presidential election in 2016, election officials said Thursday, adding it to the long list of states that use paper ballots or a blend of paper and digital formats.

On Thursday, state lawmakers were given a sneak peek of the new paper voting machines that will be set up in polling centers for the 2016 election. Officials also briefed the legislators on lessons learned from the last election in November. The state has used digital voting machines for the past decade.

“We’re going to have a million more voters in 2016, although we’ve made some changes this additional volume is going to put stress on the administration of elections,” said John Willis, principal investigator for the University of Baltimore’s Schaefer Center for Public Policy.



  1. Now we have a paper trail of ballots - to make it more difficult to throw an election........

  2. Joe, now that paper is back, will you rerun for Mayor of Salisbury? You have some great ideas for downtown. Chuck won't be able to cheat you out of the seat this tyme.

  3. It's a start.
    Step 2: purge the voting rolls.
    Step 3: require positive, legal identification at the polls of person and place of legal residence.

  4. Peace Alliance on the shore...February 2, 2015 at 1:09 PM


    OMG, what about GLOBAL WARMING you are doing by producing paper?

  5. It is really the same thing we have been doing. Every thing is done by computer. You touch the screen, print out who you voted for then run it through another computer. It isn't the real paper ballots where you fill in the dots. It's all computerized. Nothing has really changed.

  6. 1:03pm your right it is a good start BUT positive ID is not enough,as you know illegals can get a drivers license in MD. If all they require to register is a drivers license just about any illegal could vote. they should require a birth certificate in order to register. you can be sure those who intend to cheat know this.my lisc doesn't say if i'm a citizen or not.

  7. Too bad it's not in time for SBY's 2015 elections.

  8. it's not how the people vote that matters, but WHO counts the votes

  9. I found out my father is still a registered Democrat in Maryland, even though he died back in 2008. This is even after I called my local elections board to make sure his name was removed from the rolls. No way you can trust a "blue state" to conduct a fair election.

  10. Now, a photo ID is what we need next.


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