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Monday, February 16, 2015

Ocean City to re-bid parcels after beach auction hits bottom

Something rotten is afoot in the world of umbrella rentals, or so some city officials seem to think.

The Ocean City Council voted this week to reject a number of surprisingly low bids for beach equipment rental franchises this week, instead moving to set a minimum price per-parcel of $500.

Additionally, the new bids will be taken via sealed, written submissions, instead of a live auction, which netted a number of low-ball bids when held in December.



  1. $500 to rent umbrellas, chairs, and boogyboards all summer is a steal. You'll make well over that on a sunny weekend day. I'd guess you could get started for about $1000, and reinvest for a few weeks to get enough inventory to handle the peak of the busy season. An enterprising college student could clean up if they're willing to put in the hours.

  2. A quality umbrella that will last a season cost almost $300. Good beach chairs that will last a season are $200 or more. $1000 investment would get the rights to 1 street section and 1 umbrella and chair. Don't think you'll get very far with a business like that.


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