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Sunday, February 08, 2015

NOT GUILTY! Luke Rommel Wins Yet Another Case Against Salisbury Police

The Salisbury University Student Travis Guthrie was found NOT GUILTY by yet another Jury in Wicomico County tonight.

Attorney Luke Rommel has had a very trying past few months taking on at least FIVE cases against one Salisbury Police Officer Justin Aita who we stated months ago is a rogue Officer. 

Guthrie is extremely pleased with the outcome and is looking forward to moving on with his life. 

Several civil lawsuits have been filed by the three Students as well as the 14 year old child who was also found NOT GUILTY

Rommel took on quite a risk representing all of these clients on a local level. I say that because when you live in such a small town atmosphere, most attorneys won't take on such cases. Luke saw the injustice in all of these cases and chose to put his neck on the line to make sure everyone had proper representation. 
If you are ever in need of an incredible attorney, call Luke Rommel at 410-749-3900.


  1. Just wait until the AG's office looks into the corruption at SPD, Duncan's house of cards is about to fall. Will she sell out her administration and leave them to clean up the mess like she did in Mt Vernon?

  2. It's about time someone stood up to the spd. I bet this attorney could make a fortune representing only people charged by them.

  3. Maserelo screwed the pooch on this one.

  4. A circuit judge sent up a case to the appellate court. Said the state prosecution was unconstitutional and malicious. Told Pam her future is at stake. It'll will be buried for years.

  5. I wonder if he handles lawsuits against the hospital?

  6. 6:50 Don't you mean Duncan?

    1. Duncan and Macierello may as well be married, they are partners in crime.

  7. I don't think of the department as corrupt. Sounds more like they have one idiot apple in the barrel.

    Now, a bunch of other things in Salisbury city government are pretty smelly and have been for years, from Barrie's time through Ireton's.

    Ireton is such a hypocrite anyway. He attacked Campbell, Cohen and Spies over the city attorney they hired, giving credence to Mike Dunn's bogus ethics charge. Then turns around and hires his buddy for a position he created at taxpayer's expense.

    He'll throw Duncan under the bus in a heartbeat. After all, he screwed Ivan Barkley over. Ireton was pretty p*ssed that his buddy Ernie wasn't hired.

  8. There's more than just one bad cop in the SPD.....other wise they would have run Aita off themselves!

  9. Fat boy's so pissed he shut off annon comments. He doesn't want to hear I TOLD U SO from all the people that actually examined the facts. He's busted in another lie too. He promised to be more tolerant of other opiniions. U see how long that lasted.

  10. Lore Chambers should have hired Rommel. He seems to have an insider among friends.

  11. Living in Salisbury is like living in a minimum security prison. You can't even leave the house without getting harassed by Mayor Jimmy and the Bury Boozehounds over at SPD.
    Good Job Mr. Rommel

  12. The whole department is full of Aitas!
    They got beat down in court too!
    SPD Losers!

  13. Good to Know that a lawyer has
    "real guts" in this corrupt town.
    Way to Go!!

  14. Why didn't he hire Ernie?

  15. Where is Duncan in all of this? I guess she is doing what all liberal coward democrats do and that is leading from behind. It's time for her to step up and demonstrate what a true leader should do or is she just being left to fend for herself by the mayor, Ms. Ireton.

    1. Duncan is getting her resume in order and her car gassed up.

  16. I understand now why you picked Luke Rommel as your attorney Albero. When he spoke with his lisp I realized he was a faggot just like you.

  17. 12:56, ROTFLMAO!

    Funny stuff right there.

    Must be that little man syndrome I keep hearing about at the spd.

    Yeah, it must be really tough on some of you guys who leave their wives at home for extremely long shifts. The stories I've heard.

    It must drive you nuts when you see how beautiful Luke's Girlfriend is, let alone how beautiful my Wife is.

    Yeah, call us gay or whatever else makes you feel like a big man. In the end you can suck up to your Mayor and his demands, oooooh, isn't that ssssspecial. We'll just see who's patrolling Rehoboth on and off the job.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I understand now why you picked Luke Rommel as your attorney Albero. When he spoke with his lisp I realized he was a faggot just like you.

    February 5, 2015 at 12:56 PM

    Yet another fine example of the world we live in. Good job there fella.

    Young, stupid or both?


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