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Thursday, February 26, 2015

MSP: Snow Emergency In Effect


  1. Dear State Police,

    This is the Eastern Shore, where it snows once every 4 years or so. Tire retailers do not stock snow tires or tire chains for that reason. If you want to deny us the right to use the roads we paid for, just come out and say it out loud. Otherwise, go back to doing your job and tell your brothers in the State Roads division to go out and do theirs.

    Yours truly,
    Steve's Leavin's

  2. I think modern radial tires are considered "snow tires" and are acceptable. Can anyone from MSP confirm?

  3. Then they need to fine the employers who require their employees to come in to work in this mess!

  4. Do u charge to post Press Releases?


  5. IIRC, All Season rated tires meet the requirement.

    If you have them and AWD you're in pretty fair shape but may still have problems under the circumstances.

    Doubtful even the troopers have snow tires, which generally don't have as much high speed rating as summer or all-season tires due to blocky tread patterns.

    Laws of physics still apply; at some point you lose traction and become part of the landscape!

  6. So this just goes for Berlin right? This doesn't mean Salisbury does it?

  7. Doesn't really matter the employers are still going t open and that forces folks to be out on the road safe or not


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