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Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Md. Heroin Addicts May Not Be What You Picture

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Heroin is killing more Marylanders than ever before. As it continues to take a deadly toll on people across the state, Governor Larry Hogan is about to declare a state of emergency.

Jessica Kartalija has the human story behind this heroin epidemic.

A heroin epidemic is killing people across Maryland, destroying families who never thought it could happen to them—people like 19-year-old Hannah McLaughlin.

A minister’s daughter, she grew up in Harford County, singing, performing and helping out at the church. She was the last person you would expect to try heroin.

“She was creative. She was fun, very active, quickly got involved in sports,” said her mother, Lisa McLaughlin.



  1. The preacher always has that one daughter.....

  2. 5:12 - completely inappropriate

    1. actually 5:12 is pretty accurate. Preacher's kids are usually the worst. They learn how to play the game to look good to clueless mommie and daddie while they are living the wild life. Happens all the time.

  3. Salisbury isn't exactly leading by example given their Council makeup and drug use.

  4. Let social Darwinism take place..these jerks are a net negative to society. Overdoses provide an equitable resolution without the burden of tax $ s for useless recovery and re-education programs


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