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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Maybe If The Wicomico County BOE Didn't Take So Much Money From The County...

There would be enough money left to better clear our roads in the City and County! You have to wonder just how much could have been plowed with Gift Card money too. 


  1. I bet the BOE homes roads where Always cleared? He bob let them be LAST .

    1. That's a powerful statement against the BOE. Pity you didn't take advantage of the BOE and finish school so you could have written a legible comment.

    2. You got it loof i mean fool.

  2. I agree... to a certain extent.

    I happily rank education much higher than our ability to clear winter roads. Think about which happens with more frequency. There are plenty of things more important than snow-fee neighborhoods and back roads.

    1. I do to. Just not over paid teachers that cry broke!

    2. Spend a week in a teacher's shoes. Actually, on second thought, just a day (I can only imagine that is all you could take), then tell me if you think our teachers are iverpaid!!!!

  3. FATASS jt sure likes to bitch about roads not being cleared especially since now he is doing reviews on PIZZA....LOL

  4. 12:44, He's just looking to scam some free pizza. Someone didn't tie his shoes this morning and he can't get out of the house. LMAO.

    12:42, Look again at what I said. GIFT CARDS

  5. but they are for the kids.

  6. The city roads are horrible. I deliver paper and trust me... the county is a lot better then the city.

  7. The private schools opened today. Are their kids and parents tougher than public school kids and parents? The issue may not be roads as much as it is wind chill and kids walking to school or waiting for buses in this weather. However, Worcester public schools opened.

    I think people in this area panic if they can't see asphalt on the road. It is ridiculous for people to expect every road to be cleared to perfection. The wind blows snow particularly in the rural areas where there are open fields.

    Stop being so wimpy. We get a snow of 6 inches or more every other year or so. I guess if you lived in New England you'd die in your home because you'd never venture out. Get over it!

    1. Faith Baptist and Holly Grove Christian are closed

    2. Worcester is closed tomorrow. Safety and kids first!!!

  8. who gets the money from the cell phone towers being placed on school properties..I just saw one being put up at wihi the last few months.

  9. This is a ploy by Frederickson to make Culver look bad in retaliation for his stance on new schools vs. remodels. It is so transparent. Don't fall for it!

  10. 1 p.m. I agree. Kids could have gone back to school. Probably won't go tomorrow either. This is on Frederickson NOT Culver.

  11. Worcester Prep and Salisbury Christian open. Probably St. Francis, Wicomico Day, Salisbury School and Most Blessed Sacrament too.

  12. Please consider most private schools have a fee and their kids are priviledged. For those of us less forunate whose kids have to walk to school please consider many times it not always the roads the sidewalks and walkways are just as important.

  13. Wonder what will happen with the wind chill. Last time it went below zero, WCBOE cancelled school.

  14. Children can't walk to school because of the cold and wind. On the other hand I see same children out playing in the snow in hoodies. go figure

  15. My understanding is Frederickson's complaints were with state roads and city roads, not county. He isn't classy enough to acknowledge that though. Anything that can be twisted to make Culver look bad, he'll use. Don't be fooled people!

  16. Not all kids in private school come from privilege. Some are on scholarships and some from parents who sacrifice and work their butts off to provide a private school education because the schools in Wicomico are so bad.

  17. major roads are clear. my neighborhood still has some icy patches but is okay to drive on and buses could manage. i'm in the county. from what I hear it is the city roads that are the worst.

  18. If kids can play in the snow, sled at the Elks, get to the mall and movie theaters, why can't they go to school? If they can play in the cold and snow, they can walk to school or wait for a bus. If they can find a way to get out of their neighborhoods and get to fun activities on a snow day, can't buses get through those neighborhoods? BOE needs to come clean with whatever their rationale is. It obviously isn't road conditions or the cold. What is their (Frederickson's) ulterior motive?

  19. THIS weather is going to be around until 15 march.

  20. 1:00 I agree. He is a joke when I watch him on PAC 14 trying to buy time because he doesn't know the answer to a question asked by council. He sits there tapping his hands together waiting for Willey or some other goof to come up with a half-baked number. This bandleader needs to go.

  21. Yes it's Dr F's plan, he also had Delmarva, somerser, Worcester, and other counties cancel too


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