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Saturday, February 07, 2015

UPDATE: Lost Cat 2-7-15

Louie our buff colored tabby cat went missing last night in the Pemberton Drive, Rockawalkin Road area. He was wearing a black collar. If any of your readers find him please call 410 742 0422.


  1. Cute kitty! Hope you find him soon. Put pictures of him around the area and offer a reward. If he won't come to people may need to set a trap with tuna or sardines in it.

  2. Thanks Joe for your quick response. We pray that we find him, he's never been outside before

  3. 11:54, you're putting sardines in that trap?

    Tell me where you set it! LOL!


    Patricia, just kidding; I hope he's back home soon.

  4. Found him!!!! He was in a drainage pipe scared to death!!!, thanks Joe

  5. @Patricia, glad you found him! Mine is a strict indoor kitty but is the ultimate escape artist...little brat got out again for the fourth time around Thanksgiving...hope yours learned his lesson.

  6. So glad you found your cat. He is beautiful!

  7. Happy ending ! Thank you for letting us know. One lucky boy!!!!

  8. I am so thankful that baby was found and thank you once again Joe for the posting to help bring cat and family back together.


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