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Sunday, February 08, 2015

Just In: Saudi princes planned to down Air Force One with missile

A former Al-Qaeda member has revealed a strong connection between the terrorist group and the Saudi Royal family in the 1990s. More notably, he alleges that Saudi princes and terrorists discussed a plan to shoot Air Force One out of the sky.

The revelations came in the form of a testimony, delivered from a maximum-security prison, where Zacarias Moussaoui is incarcerated.

According to the New York Times, Moussaoui submitted the claim on his own initiative. He sent a letter to the judge presiding over the lawsuit filed by family members of 9/11 victims against the government of Saudi Arabia.

And so, for two days last October, lawyers were permitted for the first time to interview the terrorist at the federal prison – the most secure facility in the federal system, in Florence, Colorado. He gave a damning report that included very prominent members within the royal family, including three princes he says were all Al-Qaeda donors.



  1. Not a bad idea as long as it's done in this administration.

  2. Where is the like button for 5:07 PM?

  3. I agree with 5:07 comment...see ya

  4. And will we ever know the contents of the damning report. Assuming if it was the 1990's then Clinton was the target?

  5. if we were only that lucky

  6. It certainly is nice to be loved around the world.

  7. The target wasn't Obama. Read the article. Save your wishful thinking.

  8. They have 2 more years.
    A fraudulent Islamo-Communist and a plane full of liberal progressive journalists.
    Win, win.

  9. We need to turtle up! Pull it all in and regroup! Worry about ourselves! While we have been busy puffed up screaming super power we have lost our country. The american value and traditions have been bred out or just replaced with illegals that have instant say in this government.

  10. Sure do wish they would carry out this right now! Praise Allah for sure if they killed this SOB!

  11. In one breath, you morons talk about how bad Islam is. The next breath, you want them to take out the President of the United States? How hypocritical can you be? I hope you all know, saying your little prayers, hiding behind your cloak of Christianity, will not save you from these thoughts. You are no different than the extremists. I feel bad for our Veteran's who fight for some of your crazies.

  12. I am a Christian, but I pray every night for the death of the Traitor Obama! God doesn't want America to become a 3rd. world country like Obama's home country of Nigeria.

  13. 11:39 You are NOT a Christian. You are no better than the Muslims you hate so much. Wishing death on anyone who doesn't agree with you? Where have I heard that before?


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