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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

It is time for Obama to get real on Terrorism

I wonder if President Obama and his administration are living in a dream world, where everything is okay, or if they are just clueless to ISIS and international terrorism? After admitting that there are numerous internet videos posted asking for terrorist attacks on shopping malls the Obama Administration claims that there are no potential terrorist attacks that the administration is aware of. They have brushed off the warnings as rumors.

This is where the Obama Administration is letting America down. They are letting their guard down. Has President Obama learned anything from September 11, 2001? Has President Obama learned anything from September 11, 2012? Most terrorist attacks have some significance in the attack. The attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya was on the eleventh anniversary of the World Trade Center attack on September 11, 2001. President Obama failed to respond aggressively showing a sign of weakness. What I fear is that there could be a terrorist attack on an American shopping mall on Black Friday, the Friday after Thanksgiving. That is the biggest shopping day of the year and the terrorist already know this. If this is the case I do not think that their will be one attack but multiple malls attacked on Black Friday, same day in the early morning hours when the mall opens. This year Black Friday, will fall on November 27, 2015.

The terrorist already know that President Obama is very weak when it comes to national security and they will use this to their advantage. The terrorist saw no real response from President Obama after the terrorist attacks on the US Consulate in Benghazi. The terrorist will use this to their advantage and strike again when the moment is right. I feel as if the terrorist are telegraphing every move that President Obama makes. They are noticing his lack of understanding that there is evil in this world.



  1. But he is being proactive, his DHS is telling us all to watch out for all those bad right wing domestic terrorists. There are no Muslim terrorists, like they said in the movie Wizard of Oz "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain."

  2. Dont gays complain that they are BORN GAY .but now this IDIOT from CNN is trying to change her daughters mind and way of life ? can you say HYPOCRITES.

  3. He will welcome anything that diverts the sheep's attention from his bungled and inept administration.

  4. I would get real on Terrorism. I would send our troops over and eliminate the problem. For those who uses the excuse the US cannot afford another war, then try my solution concerning the cost.
    Free oil from those Countries and no foreign aide to those Countries until the cost of the war is paid in full with interest.
    The other Countries in the area will get involved and make it one of the shortest wars in history. There would be no richer than thou leaders since they would lose all money from oil production since they would be giving it away in return for our participation.
    Cost of gas would drop to 1940 cost per gallon.
    WIN WIN Win


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