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Thursday, February 26, 2015

ISIS Push to Eradicate Christians

Islamic State militants have abducted at least 70 Assyrian Christians after overrunning several small villages in northeast Syria, two activist groups said Tuesday.

Around dawn Monday, the extremist fighters swept through the Assyrian villages nestled along the banks of the Khabur River near the town of Tal Tamr in Hassakeh province. Sky News reported that control of the region is split between ISIS and opposing Kurdish fighters.

In the assault, the militants took between 70 and 100 Assyrians captive, said Nuri Kino, the head of the activist group A Demand For Action that focuses on religious minorities in the Middle East. Kino said his organization based its information on conversations with villagers who fled the onslaught and their relatives.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also reported the abductions, but put the number of Assyrians held by ISIS at 90. The Observatory relies on a network of activists inside Syria.



  1. They make no bones about wanting to eradicate us - and our administration will let them if we don't wake up and start some real responsive action...here on our own soil!

  2. Sounds like we need sadam back ? at least he kept the deviants animals in check with his violence...these demons need to be utterly bombed to hell and back or Be- headed ...but not before forcing a BLT down their twisted throats...Let em come out of the weeds in this country so everydam one of these true demons pigs can be mowed down. with hog blood soaked bullets..Be vigilant they are among us!! .thanks to 911 and our knee jerk abolishment of our soverign constitution....If not they will forever be a thorn in our side.sound familiar?

  3. wake up Europe and stand by israel or loosen ur shirt collars.

  4. Jesus said that we should turn the other cheek and love our enemies. It is quite literally the most important thing that he came to teach us. However, you people are more concerned with stopping gar marriage.

    1. Liberal ivite to ur house IDIOT.

  5. 3:29 what does anything you just rambled have to do with a group of radical muslims which would love nothing more than to chop you and your families heads off like you cut your lawn? I don't think even Jesus would turn the other cheek, he would be looking at his headless body with this group!

  6. Not to worry, Christian Crusader Hussein Obama has tweeted to ISIS that they better stop beheadings and burnings or else!


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