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Thursday, February 19, 2015

ISIS May Send Fighters To Europe Disguised As Migrants

ISIS is planning a campaign to dominate Libya before sending fighters to southern Europe disguised as illegal migrants to wage more terror there, according to a published report.

The Daily Telegraph, citing a British anti-terror group that claims to have seen letters written by the group's supporters, said that ISIS hopes to use militiamen from its current strongholds in Syria and Iraq to overrun Libya before embarking on a campaign targeting both Europe's mainland as well as maritime shipping.

The letter is written by an ISIS propagandist using the name Abu Arhim al-Libim. He describes Libya, which has descended into chaos in the wake of the 2011 overthrow of Muammar Qaddafi, as having "immense potential" for the jihadists.

"It has a long coast and looks upon the southern Crusader states, which can be reached with ease by even a rudimentary boat," the man writes. He also points out that the country is replete with weapons, many of them seized from Qaddafi's forces by rebels as the regime collapsed.

In describing the possibilities of attacking Europe, al-Libim discusses the number of ships brining migrants across the Mediterranean Sea illegally, then says "If this was even partially exploited and developed strategically, pandemonium could be wrought in the southern European states and it is even possible that there could be a closure of shipping lines and targeting of Crusader ships and tankers."

More here


  1. They have already set hundreds here, disguised as Illegals from Mexico. Obama knows this, and has given them amnesty to apply for green cards.

  2. Why not? He's disguised as our president.

  3. They aren't necessarily disguised as illegals from Mexico.
    Many of them have been here for a long time. They own and operate businesses and send money back to their brothers.
    There is one business right in Salisbury that's a sleeper cell if I ever saw one.
    Been there for about 10 years.


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