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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Greg Bassett Is So Full Of Sh!t

“We aim high to produce meaningful, accurate stories,” said Greg Bassett, the newspaper’s editor and general manager. “We will not take sides in our news coverage. We will cover the news straight and treat everyone fairly.”

In today's paper Bassett extensively goes after County Executive Bob Culver again. As I had stated from the very beginning, Bassett's paper is a propaganda piece for the old "Dream Team" and what's left of the LIBERAL machine here in Salisbury and Wicomico County.

ALL Liberal Blogs have failed. Even John Robinson's attempt at trying to do what Greg is now attempting to do also failed. You can always tell who's doing what, when you read that these papers will be speaking of only love, peace and a rainbow way of life. The rest, (like the quote above) are just plain lies, which we saw time after time when Bassett would publish the code of journalistic ethics in the Daily Times, when he had a real job and blew it. 


  1. He should be suspended like Brian Williams.

  2. So what you are saying it is ok to be conservative, whatever that is, and take sides like this blog but not ok to be liberal, whatever that is, and take sides. That is pathetically amusing.Keep em coming

  3. I find he is more negative toward Culver, always pointing out "controversies" or "conflicts" that don't amount to a hill of beans. He is social friends with enemies of Culver's so I think he is additionally influenced by them.

  4. His puff pieces on Mitzi Perdue and Mike Dunn were sickening. It is clear he is pandering to a certain crowd. I hope they bar hopping downtown crowd will support his paper with advertising, because that is who he is catering to.

  5. 5:34, Leave it to a Liberal to make such a stupid statement. No real defense, just defense.

    Read Greg's own quote again from his own paper. He's a liar, just like he was at the Daily Times.

    He's not fair and balanced, not one bit.

    As for my Blog, I am absolutely opinionated. I make no commitment to ANYONE and ALL of you know that. Yet ALL of you come here by the millions, GO FIGURE.

    Greg publishes 20,0000 papers a week, Lord knows how many of those papers sit on display racks until the following week. Greg knows we reach that amount by 9:00 am EVERY DAY! None of what WE produce sits on a rack somewhere. No paper is wasted and quite frankly as we watch the Daily Times continue to dig themselves 6 feet under, Liberal media is no longer acceptable information because Salisbury News keeps growing and PROVING with evidence every single day that what the public is getting from Liberal media are LIES.

    To SUGGEST that people are being paid under the table IS A LIE. NO ONE was paid anything to advise Bob Culver on the West Side school. Yet he SUGGESTS it. There are many suggestions in that article that are complete BS.

    So if you want to suggest that I take sides, you are 100% correct. I take the side of the TRUTH.

  6. I've always liked Greg personally. I have to say I find some of the profiles he has done very ingratiating to the person and not tough and analytical. Maybe he just wants to be a kumbaya paper. If so, leave out the little digs at Culver and other non-liberals. Can't have it both ways.

  7. As Jack Nicholson famously said (and I'm saying to the liberals) "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH"!

  8. Joe I find it offensive that Bassett and others have implied that Culver did something wrong by getting a volunteer group together to visit West Salisbury School. In fact, I think Culver and the group of volunteers deserve our appreciation. Did you ever hear of the liberal Pollitt and company touring a school or getting FREE input? Hell no, they hired consultants to the point that we should ask if they were getting kick backs from them!

  9. Anyone who knows Bobby Culver knows he didn't promise those people anything. To imply he did or that those who went will have an inside track are just plain wrong. I believe Bobby will make sure any bid process that he is involved in will be fair to all parties, including more school tours if necessary for those who want to see the school.

  10. The time Pollitt was in they never criticized him but have with Culver from day one,WBOC has done the same.

    1. They are criticizing him because he is doing what Pollitt and Ireton don't have the balls to do. He is saying NO. NO to spending what we don't have. NO to borrowing and putting the taxpayers further in debt. Finally, someone that knows what it is to run a business and make a profit by living within our means. Kudos to Bob. This is one time my vote was not wasted.

  11. The comment, "we aim high....." I'm sure they try to because the measuring bar they are using is set so very, very low.

    The liberals, and the old guard have had their feelings hurt, they lost elections, they huffed, they puffed, and guess what? The PEOPLE spoke. We don't want your crooked politics, the backroom deals, your blatant disregard for the taxpayers (the very people you swore to protect and serve) none of which you did.
    It is time you realize your type of politics aren't wanted nor needed. All the years you have destroyed the city and its reserves. Some of you should be sitting in a cell and you know who you are. More importantly so do the taxpayers.

    Bob Culver is a decent, dedicated person who loves this city and wants to do right by the taxpayers, and strengthen this city. He is not afraid to eliminate wasteful spending and programs and people that aren't performing. These are the very things the old guard should have done many, many years ago but the payoffs, the deals, you do me a favor, I'll do you a favor is what has gotten this city in such bad shape. In my opinion, Bob is a hero. He is doing the job based on actual performance and facts. And every person should be glad he is finally getting this city back to its glory.

    Listen up old guard, you had your chance and you never delivered. Now when Bob is doing all the dirty work all you left hidden you don't want to be exposed for the cheats and lying people you are.

    If the Daily Times was worth anything they would be reporting on the progress Mr. Culver is making and the money he is trying to save EVERY resident instead of using slander and snide comments ti destroy and discredit.

    Daily Times is really done for. They have nothing of value and the only reason they even have what little subscribers they do is because of the older generation that always got the paper no matter how bad to see who died. Here's a news lead, the paper has died. They can't offer stellar customer service, nor customer delivery, they can't proof read, and the news they print is slander and one-sided. Who wants to read trash when you can get real time news on FOX and factual blogs.
    Your smirk is offensive.

  12. It is clear that there is a group of people in the county who want Culver to fail. Culver is not failing, he is gaining momentum. The naysayers will fail and be exposed for who and what they are. Bassett is just easy to spot because of his "newspaper".

  13. Bob Culver has a giant job to do and I think he is doing a wonderful job..Have you noticed when someone is at the top there is always an a$$ trying to knock them off. Gregg you can't do any better so leave him alone.
    If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all.
    Why don't you join the winning team?

  14. I loved this week's paper -- first sentence front page lead article - referred to the "precious" administration of Rick Pollitt.
    Perhaps it was a typo rather than a Freudian slip.

  15. I was ready to do a few months of co-op advertising in his newspaper and started to learn more about this guy (Greg Bassett) I immediately withdrew my request for co-op from a company that was willing to invest some nice advertising dollars. I personally voted for Bob Culver because I believe he is on the right track after many years of tricky Rick at the helm and now after reading about this, my advertising dollars will be spent elsewhere.

  16. 5:34..so whete was the paper during pollits rein..obama and omally...tenure?.which have added to the ecomnic devestation! Utter Silence from your kind...!!!..your a status quo mouthpiece...and the truth, most people are just fed up with the nonsense the MSM is selling..its for the goats and sheeple.

  17. to 5:34 leave it to a liberal to say such nonsense blah blah blah and never making a point because they never have a point to make. do I sound like you?

  18. Stand your ground bob thats why you where voted in screw those good ole fat Boys.

  19. Can we just get along? This is not the time be bickering, this county has a bleak forecast businesses are fleeing the area; schools are failing; good jobs are scarce and crimes and property have become the crossroads of Delmarva. Let us all start working together to uplift the county.

  20. I can vividly remember when Greg Bassett was Editor & Chief at The Daily Times - I called him time and time again practically begging for him to do feature stories on the closures of such behemoths as Dresser, Chesapeake Bay Plywood Corp, Mrs. Pauls Kitchen, Campbell's Soup, Purity Bacon, Burroughs etc. I suggested for him to go 'pound the pavement' to try and get to the root these exoduses.

    Now - fast forward to modern day. Wicomico County finally gets a CEO that actually grabs 'THE BULL BY THE HORNS' and what does his newspaper try and do through INNUENDOS - RIDICULE AND CHASTISE him. Shame on You Greg Bassett, Shame on You Daily Times. I am now convinced more than ever - you were the problem from the very start. Had your news organization performed their fiduciary duty - Wicomico wouldn't be in the shape it is today. I call it JOURNALISTIC CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE!!!


  21. 5:58 I agree with all you said. I believe there are probably cases of malfeasance that I truly hope Culver will reveal. Still haven't heard the true impact of the sweet early retirement deals of 3 1/2 years ago that Pollitt allowed the foxes in the hen house to put together. How much money did that deal truly cost the taxpayers? These abusers have done nothing but feather their own nests for years. Maybe their real fear is being EXPOSED. Bassett doesn't have the courage to do it and the Times is a liberal train wreck. Delmarva's Newfollower can't do it either. Only SBYNEWS can find it out.

  22. This is in support of 7:31 but want to add this. I have seen a couple comments in the past about Pollitt referring to himself as the "First" County Executive - wanting to be known as that. Someone says he has it listed on his Facebook page.

    Let's get real here. He was elected the first executive - true, but he never assumed the office as an "executive". All Pollitt did was continue the policies of Creamer, Shea and that crowd. He didn't lead or change anything. He followed what was already in place or did what Creamer, Shea, Morris and company told him to do, so in reality our "form of government" NEVER CHANGED under Pollitt.


  23. Has anyone else noticed the Independent gets thinner and thinner each week. The novelty is wearing off and the slanted opinions are wearing thin. Bassett has blown a potentially good thing by being bias and doing ridiculous @ss-kissing pieces on people he wants to promote. No one to blame but yourself Greg. You've made some really, really bad decisions.

  24. 7:43 AMEN! Couldn't agree more. Pollitt was a complete putz. Culver is the real deal.

  25. Joe, have you noticed that Bassett resembles Brian Williams? ROFLMAO. Truly he does!

  26. Malfeasance?! Well you'd have to get someone other than Baker to look in to that. He is a part of the old guard. Is there a statue of limitations on malfeasance because I bet there is plenty that Culver is uncovering.

  27. 7:43 Completely agree. Pollitt didn't have an executive bone in his body. He was/is a bullsh#t artist - that's all. Culver is no one's yes man and wants to know everything that is going on.

  28. This dude needs to be fined by MDE. He is filling the gutters and storm drains with paper filled with fecal matter. I see he has people tossing this trash in our streets all the time. Why do we allow him to trash our streets and lawns?

  29. If you look up P.O.S. in the dictionary, they used that picture of Bassett.

    He and his toads did everything they could to help that Felcher Mayor attempt to destroy Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen.

    Even to the point of showing up unannounced at Terry's house and demanding a response some inane bullshit the mayor had spewed about her on whatever particular day that was.

    If I ever meet the POS, I will knock him on his ass.

  30. What does it take tour make Greg realize that the last election sent a message that liberal views are now on the back burner. Thentire message is clear, conservative views are starting to take affect.
    I'm going to enjoy watching him eventually be someone of the past.

  31. Hello Joe,Bassett being fired by the Gannett Corporation was not just a fluke. I guess that some how information might have been sent to McLean, VA. to describe exactly why they were loosing money.So a new guy was sent in and guess what? They are still loosing money. But don't fret. I'm sure Mrs.Harker is well aware of what is happening with the Daily Times. In fact, she might be looking for some common denominators as to why her paper in Salisbury, Md. is still loosing more and more.Now let's see, what common denominators could she find? How about personnel? Who has been at the Daily Times this whole time while the DT is down to almost nothing? Why,how about Susan Parker. Could she be a major contributor to the failure of the DTs? Perhaps someone could explain to Mrs. Harker how Susan Parker fits into all this. What would you all have to tell her? I don't really believe we have much to worry about with the Daily Times. Gannett had a great fourth quarter last year with record earnings in their TV and Broadcasting networks. However,on the paper and magazine side it's been a steady downward spiral.Now do you really believe the CFO of Gannett is going to keep the remnants of the Daily Times around to continue to loose money? Perhaps Susan Parker should start looking for a new position.It wouldn't be advisable to hook up with her old friend Mr.Basset either.I'm sure you have recently seen what happened with the TV News anchor Brian Williams.He is now on an extended leave because of his questionable reporting. Well, it appears that Mr. Bassett could be guilty of questionable reporting also.Just like Joe's quotes of Mr. Bassett, "We aim high to produce meaningful,accurate reports. We will not take sides in our news coverage". And here's the one that really gets me, "We will cover the news straight and treat everyone fairly". I'm sure that the CEO of Independent Newsmedia, Inc.USA, Mr Ed Dulin, will quickly see what will be happening to the reputation of his business by the style of Mr. Bassett's rantings.
    I can remember back to the days when people use to look forward to reading The Daily Times and the local news and sports that it reported.It's a shame that people like Bassett and his circle of social friends have spoiled it for the good people of Wicomico County. John Palmer, Delmar, Md.

  32. The internet has brought a modern era medium that can easily dispel the lies that have been propagated for decades by the leftist controlled MSM. They can no longer twist the facts without an immediate rebuttal. That scares them. They are losing their propaganda advantage.

  33. Bassett is the man.

  34. Greg is a whinny little mama's boy. His wife Cathy sure led him around like he had a ring in his nose, then again, so did Barry Tighlman. He drinks so much you have to take his work ethic with a grain of salt.

  35. Hey, John Palmer, if the wheel on the car you're driving becomes "loose", you could wind up "losing" it.

    Just so you know...

  36. We are slowly moving in the positive direction of a republic again. It may be too late , I hope not. Obama and the democrats have lied their way to the top leadership positions. They don't have ethics or religion.
    I now believe that they don't know any better and have been brain washed.(this includes Bassett)
    He is nothing more than a pawn that moves with the present administration.
    I feel sorry for the people NOT!
    About 50 years ago these people would be tried and put to death for treason to overthrow the government.(when we had a government for the people)

  37. Joe you are as biased as they come. Come on man !!! You got a great product here but you are as slanted as the next guy. You have changed over the years and that is o.k. but to call yourself non-biased that is a total b.s. Stay true no need to make excuses.

  38. To 10:00 PM Poster - that said;
    'Losing their propaganda advantage'.

    That's exactly the same observation from my perspective to. In the foregone before the internet arrived, the liberal wing of the Democratic establishment used the devices of propaganda and mediums like The Daily Times, to mold and sway influence upon the masses.

    Then along comes a newcomer out from left field; SBYNEWS!!!

    Ala - the people finally started to realize that they were being misled - just like the pied piper of ancient times. IMHO - The Daily Times, Salisbury Independent, WBOC, among any of the liberal others are soon going to die. Just like MSNBC, and Air America - they too will go bankrupt.

    Here is an excerpt on the bankruptcy filing for Air America;

    ' Air America Radio, a radio network that was launched in 2004 as a liberal alternative to Rush Limbaugh and other conservative commentators, on Thursday shut down abruptly due to financial woes.'


  39. I believe that Greg Bassett has forgotten about the results of the recent election.

    There is no illusion as to why Bob Culver, Carl Anderton, John Cannon, Joe Holloway, Marc Kilmer, Matt Holloway, Larry Dodd all won decisively over their Democratic foes. That's because the public was fed-up with the shenanigans of the former regime.

    My advise to Greg Bassett is to SUCK IT UP! The people have spoken. Now it's high time to invoke the public mandated changes that come with a power shift.

  40. I spoke with him about this...

  41. I heard his old lady left him because he was having an affair with some old Parker woman.

  42. 9:13-You said "old" twice in your comment.Do you know what that means? We're on to you.

  43. 7:08, Are you new to Salisbury News?

    Am I bias, absolutely.

    Do I censor comments, absolutely.

    Do I publish mainly conservative information, absolutely.

    Do I charge you daily to come read what we publish, absolutely not.

    Does that help you any?

  44. Invictus,
    that's exactly why we can't let Obummer and his cronies regulate the internet, which is of course, their last hope to quell dissent.

  45. Why DO you censor comments? You shouldn't.

  46. 11:14, I'd love to invite you to come spend just one day with us and see the comments that fly in.

    I censor comments that are racist and I'd say that's the majority of rejected comments on a daily basis.

    Then there's comments with curse words.

    Then there's comments that are personal attacks, sexual and many that are simply off topic.

    Finally there are the Chuck Cook's of the Shore that attempt to take articles and defame candidates or elected officials. They attempt to turn the post around and instead praise their Liberal candidate or representative. IF they want to do so, start your own Blog and see how that works for you.

    I have spent TEN years developing what I want out there. These people realize just how many years it would take to ever think of competing with us and while they have attempted to do so for many years, ALL of them have shut down and failed.

    It's a LOT of work doing what we do here. I can tell you that it is a FULL TIME JOB just moderating comments alone. This is proven by simply looking at everyone else out there. They do not allow anonymous comments because they know how much work that is.

    Now, if any of what we do here bothers you, you can simply not come back. If you don't like the comments that go up, don't read the comments. Believe me, with the volume of traffic we get every day from people who fully support what we do, we won't miss your hit every day. There's probably a hundred new people, (at least) that come to this site every single day.

  47. Seriously 11:14? Have you seen some of the vile crap that gets commented here? Imagine how vile the stuff is that he does not let through...

    Flock me to tears.

  48. WOW there were so many comments I couldn't read them all but one hit home and that was 5:58's comment,he's right I'm 78 years old and the only reason I get the Daily Times is for the obituarys and the comics. It would be really neat if this blog had the obits.

  49. 1:46, There's a link on the side that takes you to Comics. There's also a Holloway Funeral Home ad on the side. Click on it and it takes you to Obituaries.

    No go ahead and cancel your subscription to the Daily Times.

  50. Culver needs to get thick skinned, he wanted the job now face any and all criticism! Everyone sure put Pollitt through the grind of local politics...whats good for one is good for all. See how he handles the attacks from folks who don't care for his decisions.

  51. 2:07, Why do you suggest Culver's skin isn't thick enough? I'M the one bitching out Bassett, not Culver.

  52. Basset needs to have journalistic integrity or get out of the business. It isn't about Culver or any of the other good people that Basset has abused his power as a journalist to harm...it is about Basset, himself, and his inability to be truthful. I say this from repeated first-hand experience with his lack of ethics in reporting.


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