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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Grammys 2015: Kanye West blasts Beck's album of the year win

Kanye West’s mock stage-rushing during Beck’s acceptance speech for album of the year at the Grammys initially seemed like a fun joke at his own expense. The last time West pulled a similar stunt, it was 2009, and he was protesting Taylor Swift's winning over Beyonce during the 2009 Video Music Awards.

But in remarks to E! after Sunday's telecast, it’s clear that West was deadly serious about believing that Beyonce was robbed by an undeserving Beck.

“I don’t even know what [Beck] said. I just know that, the Grammys, if they want real artists to keep coming back, they need to stop playing with us. We aren’t going to play with them no more,” West told his somewhat stunned interviewers during E!’s post-show wrap-up. “Beck needs to respect artistry, he should have given his award to Beyonce. At this point, we tired of it. What happens is, when you keep on diminishing art, and not respecting the craft, and smacking people in the face after they deliver monumental feats of music, you’re disrespectful to inspiration.”



  1. In the pic Beck is like, "one more step and you get the backhand".

  2. Kanye West needs to get over himself and his big head. He always thinks that Beyoncé is the only one that should win anything. Why the hell does he even go to this thing - so he can jump up on the stage and act like the idiot that he his with his big mouth. Enough already.

  3. 2014 and the first part of 2015 have seen a major spike in negative race relations.Current event mentality has no place in award ceremonies but it obviously is factoring into the decisions of who gets what.If those who decide who gets what awards can set their opinions aside & choose objectively a lot of people would be happier.Even the Oscars have not escaped personal opinions and attitudes.

  4. Typical stupid a$$. They need to ban that idiot from these functions.

    You would think eveyone has had enough of him---I know I sure have.

  5. Maybe Beyoncé could tell him she appreciates his loyalty but not the way he expresses it. One more of his tantrums where she is the focus and all ties between them are cut. Might work.

  6. I would have loved to see him get the backhand, lol.

  7. Me me me me look i am black whites don't deserve anything, punch crybaby konya in the mouth.

  8. exactly why i don't watch crappy "award" shows

    oh, screw the NFL too!

  9. He has a very bizarre need to be all up Beyonce's arse! He's making a fool of himself.

  10. 9:52 is right - this POS should never be invited again...even if he might be good enough to win something in the future!

  11. Beck should have b**ch slapped him. Don't know who the heck he thinks he is.

  12. Another factor pointing to Kanye's idiocy: Beck wrote that entire album himself and played EVERY INSTRUMENT. The guy can literally play upwards of 20 instruments. Whereas Beyonce's album was written and produced by a team of 60 or more people. Kanye is the one who needs to "respect artistry" and do us all a favor by crawling back up into Kim's gargantuan a$$ and never showing his face again!!

  13. West is just a mouthy good for nothing. He is always disrespectful and jealous of anything ones success other than another one of his black cronies.

  14. He needs to learn to speak proper English before anyone can even understand what he is saying.

  15. I don't even look, care or listen to this Hollywood stuff, quote "art".
    Waste of time folks. It is only a diversion to the truth.

  16. Beck wrote his own songs...and did most of everything himself......meanwhile Beyonce has 50 people doing it for her.....so Kayne thinks she has more talent? Doubtful. They should stop inviting this jack*** to these events if he can't behave himself.


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