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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Governor Larry Hogan To Announce Military Retirement Income Tax Exemption

Joins With Secretary-Designee George Owings, Bringing Tax Relief To Veterans

Annapolis, MD –
Governor Larry Hogan will join Maryland Veterans Affairs Secretary-designee George Owings and local veterans to announce House Bill 482 on Thursday, February 12, 2015. The bill aims to eliminate income tax on all military retirement income, phasing in relief over a period of four years, providing 25 percent relief in the first year, rising to 100 percent.

Prince George's County

WHO: Governor Larry Hogan and Secretary-designee George Owings

WHAT: Announcing House Bill 482, Military Retirement Income Tax Exemption

WHEN: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

WHERE: American Legion Post 136
6900 Greenbelt Road
Greenbelt, Maryland 20770


  1. As a retired Marine, this will make staying in this state a little more tolerable!

  2. Go get em governor. Just remember shall issue.

  3. About time some common sense decided to show up in Annapolis!

  4. Why just retirement income? Why not all military income?

  5. 11:22, Boy, Liberals just can't get enough.

  6. I know 11:22, I'll call the Governor and ask that he only provide this to conservatives instead, OK?

  7. I thought 11:22's comment had nothing to do with political parties... it was a genuine question. Why just retirement income?

  8. Sean, I disagree. Income is income. No one put a gun to our brave Soldiers heads to force them to serve. Next will be Police, Teachers and Firefighters.

    Retired income makes sense, period. Besides, the LIBERALS in Annapolis will be screaming at the top of their lungs about this anyway. Give it time and let's see what comes of it.

  9. They choose their jobs. They knew what it was. Just like hiring them before anyone else is wrong. They've had jobs. People here haven't.

  10. Other states do no tax military retirement income. This issue has been going on for awhile in MD. When my dad retired from the Military he moved to flordia as they do not tax military pensions. Maryland has needed to fix this for a long time. I have to say Hogan is off to a great start. We may have hope yet in MD.

  11. Why not all retirement income?

  12. More "special treatment" for the retired, it is all we do here. How about the working people?

  13. To the above comments, You can't please anyone on this site. They are all negative and rude. Glad Hogan is doing this. It will help me & I appreciate it.

  14. "Retired income makes sense, period"

    Doesn't really answer the question or prove why it makes more sense.

    The retired hold more wealth than any other group.

  15. "Retired income makes sense, period. Besides, the LIBERALS in Annapolis will be screaming at the top of their lungs about this anyway"

    Could you explain BOTH of these statements? Why are the military treated as a special interest in this case?

  16. It makes sense to not tax military retiree income because there are a lot of military that at some point live here during their careers especially towards the end.
    When they retire they are likely to get good jobs and continue spending money that create other jobs. Since they are used to moving around they will generally settle in an area that offers them the best deal. Better to forgo the $1-2000 of taxes per person per year and have the economic vitality they bring to the state.
    One of the reasons corporations open in a state is because that state has the talented people they need to hire. One of the reasons Salisbury has trouble attracting businesses.
    As far as doing for the military only it is a way for the State to recognize them for their service and long days away from home under arduous conditions not associated with other careers.

  17. 1:31
    Thanks you for answering with reason rather than yelling. It's rare here, but much appreciated.


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