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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Giuliani questions Obama's love of US; Democrats cry foul

ASHINGTON (AP) — Democrats on Thursday assailed former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani for questioning President Barack Obama's love of country, and urged the potential field of Republican presidential candidates to rebuke him for his comments.

"He doesn't love you. And he doesn't love me. He wasn't brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country," said Giuliani, who sought the 2008 GOP presidential nomination. His comments were reported by Politico and the New York Daily News.Giuliani said at a New York City event on Wednesday night, "I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America."

Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz said it's time for Republican leaders to "stop this nonsense."


  1. Anti Constitution Mayor calls out Anti COnstitution President. Rich. Go back in your hole Rudy, you milked enough dollars out of this world already.

  2. Obama , a muslim , has tried to overthrow our government. He should be tried and convicted of treason. He is a traitor and an enemy to the United States.
    I'm so glad that someone has recognized and told the media , at least he has a set of ball$.
    We need more of these popular people to voice that opinion. Will it happen? I don't think so , too many chicken $hit people out there.

  3. The Mayor also called it like it is when he said Obama grew up communist!

    Democrats absolutely HATE the truth.

  4. Look at the mess he's made of this country since he took office! And he still does nothing constructive to fix it except put Muslims in charge of important departments within his administration.

  5. Debbie Blabbermouth -- So, the truth hurts. Get over it.

  6. I agree with Giuliani.

  7. There is plenty of evidence available to support Giuliano so perhaps the Obama sheeple could provide a convincing rebuttal. I know Obama loved American Larry Sinclair so you wouldn't have to mention that in your rebuttals.

  8. Stop what nonsense,speaking the truth?If a woman married a man for the sole purpose of wanting to change him,is that love or is that lusting for power over him? Obama stated he wants to fundamentaly change america,that is NOT love of this country.

  9. I totally agree. He is changing the whole belief system in the U S. He apologizes for us. He makes us weak. He is anti american and wants to fundamentally change the majority in our country from god loving patriotic citizens to his new dependent immigrants who will be able to vote and they will vote dem. Not to mention he refuses to protect us from terrorism and lets our known enemies out of Guantanamo so they can kill more Christians and Americans. This is very obvious. Mrs. Tom

  10. What Giuliani says about Obama's upbringing is absolutely true. It's remarkable that so many people are willing to ignore the facts.

    Equally remarkable is how stupid the Republican Party is.

    “I think it hurts the GOP brand once again,” a Republican strategist said. “It’s these types of comments that make the independent voter just think that we’re crazy!”

    But Giuliani gets it.

    Giuliani responded on Friday, “I don’t know how good the political judgment of the people in my party is — because they blew the last two elections.”

    At 7:34,
    Giuliani demonstrated more solid and thoughtful leadership after 9/11 than Bush and Obama combined over their entire presidencies!

  11. I hope Obama realizes, he's not speaking we the American people, he's speaking for himself.

  12. The evidence over the past six years at least, supports what Guiliani has stated and half the nation also believes.

  13. Go, Rudy!! He gets it; wish more US citizens did!!!

  14. Finally, a Republican who is not afraid to call a spade a spade!

  15. The mayor got it right.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anti Constitution Mayor calls out Anti COnstitution President. Rich. Go back in your hole Rudy, you milked enough dollars out of this world already.

    February 21, 2015 at 7:34 AM

    You are an idiot you penis breath moron!

  17. Stu Stinchfield said...
    Stop what nonsense,speaking the truth?If a woman married a man for the sole purpose of wanting to change him,is that love or is that lusting for power over him? Obama stated he wants to fundamentaly change america,that is NOT love of this country.

    February 21, 2015 at 9:34 AM

    You make no sense piss ant!

  18. This sounds like REDNECKVILLE.


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