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Sunday, February 15, 2015

From the Owners of Back Street Grill

Joe, thanks so much for facilitating a resolution. We are both happy to have found common ground. 

Just to be clear we buy all of our paint from PPG (Glidden) and will continue to do so because they are friendly people who give good service and they are good neighbors. 

As business owners, we urge you to continue to patronize the paint store. The property owner was within his rights to tow and we respect that. We also ask our customers to leave Tommy, the tow driver out of this... we believe any legal job is a respectful one and we're sure that he has bills and family to take care of just like the rest of us. 

And to the customers - we thank you all so much for your patronage. 

Once again, we do not want this dispute to effect anyone's business or the property owner as we are all small businesses and need the support of our community. 

Thanks to everyone for taking the high road in this matter, 

The Reeves Family


  1. there you go...FIRST CLASS! So many folks just complain to complain, it's their lot in life!

  2. People thought they were righting a wrong. Now that we have been asked to forgive and forget, I think we should.

  3. Well stated Mark and I for one truly appreciate your sincere remarks made about Jarred, PPG and Tommy Tow Truck (after the beating they took yesterday). Everybody is smiling upon them today because you are a stand-up kind of guy.. .

  4. Joe, you facilitated a bridge building. I'm happy for all involved parties, may it lead to more profits!

  5. Fatboy must be going crazy about this.

  6. That location has come a long way since Pesto's. I am glad to see this was resolved. Now that ford truck can be put down for a good retirement.

    I was going to comment that Mark should take over Chef Fred/Georgia House's old location, plenty of parking and I loved events held at both locations (although the sunroom is a bit cramped).

  7. First class? Then why make the crap storm in the first place?

  8. Now thats how it's done.

  9. Im glad that everything worked out for all of you, I want to thank the Reeves Family owners of the Back Street Grill for all that you have done. Very good people.

    Again Thanks,

    Tommy,,Tindalls Towing

  10. The only sad part of this entire situation is the fact that what makes the news is the simple fact that the right thing, the civil thing, the neighborly thing, was done. It's sad that nowadays just doing what is correct and human makes news.

  11. 1:08, yes and no. What makes this news is that there was a conflict and it has now been happily resolved. It's about problem-solving.

    This is why I said yesterday that I love the grill, but also respect there may another side to the story. Joe kind of jumped on me when I said we could only afford to go the grill about once a year, but like Mr. Reeves said, local businesses need our support and we have to spread what little we have around to the local places we support the few times we get to eat out.

    Still, I'd like to thank Joe for helping these folks on both sides get over their hump together. It's like when I was younger and everybody hated the cranky old man down the street. When we found out he was cranky because he had lost a son, everyone rallied to help him through his grief.

    Also, I think I will start calling Joe, "Mayor Joe." He is far more so than that mess called Ireton.

  12. There you go Anon 1:35 taking a positive and turning it in to a negative. idioits like you are the exact reasons why issues are never resolved. Joe took the high road!

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. So good to hear that all has been resolved! Now let's stay positive every one!

  15. It is great that this blog served a good purpose in resolving an issue for a lot of people. As a regular at Backstreet, it is sometimes hard to find a parking space, especially in bad weather. The resolution of this helps all of us, including the customers. Well done to all parties!

  16. Cal's subs were great!

  17. Joe you've already solved more problems in one hour than the city does in a four year term

  18. I don't understand 1:46 comment.


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