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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Fluoride May Trigger Depression and Weight Gain

Fluoride could be causing depression and weight gain and councils should stop adding it to drinking water to prevent tooth decay, scientists have warned.

A study of 98 per cent of GP practices in England found that high rates of underactive thyroid were 30 per cent more likely in areas of the greatest fluoridation.

It could mean that up to 15,000 people are suffering needlessly from thyroid problems which can cause depression, weight gain, fatigue and aching muscles.

Last year Public Health England released a report saying fluoride was a ‘safe and effective’ way of improving dental health.

But new research from the University of Kent suggests that there is a spike in the number of cases of underactive thyroid in high fluoride areas such as the West Midlands and the North East of England.



  1. Fluoride is toxic to the body.

  2. When we started adding fluoride drops to my toddler son's drinking water (from a well) he became very hyper.
    Upon discontinuing the drops (given by the pediatrician) he settled down.

  3. thats y english have bad teeth...

  4. Fluoride is a poison. Look at rat bait.

    It's use in water was started by the Nazis, who used it in their concentration camps to pacify the Jews confined within. It turned them into zombies. Just like people today!

    This fluoride is not the same as the fluoride ion that is supposed to be good for your teeth. And those studies used topical application instead of ingesting. The link between fluoridated water and teeth doesn't exist.

    The type of Fluoride used is an industrial byproduct of making aluminum. It's extremely expensive to transport, store, and very dangerous to handle. At least it was expensive until municipalities were convinced to buy it to add to water supplies. That turned a huge headache into a profit center!

    There is no way to accurately dose fluoride in a municipal water system. Every area will have a different concentration. I'm guessing the areas near the plant get a lot more?

    A study by Harvard also shows that Fluoride lowers IQ by about 10 points. That's the difference between average intelligence and low average.

    Most of the developed world has figured all of this stuff out, and does not fluoridate their water supply for the health of their citizens.

  5. I have not consumed tap water in over 30+ years for that specific reason.

    I do not believe in punishing everyone to treat a few.

  6. What a bunch of hooey!
    Water is toxic in large enough quantities.
    You people are ignorant sheep!


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