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Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Mall attackers recruited from 1 state in particular

Homeland Security Chief Jeh Johnson warned that a Somalia-based terrorist group is encouraging “independent actors” to carry out attacks in Western countries, with the Mall of America in Minnesota among the specific targets, but he failed to mention that the U.S. continues to import hundreds of high-risk Islamic refugees from Somalia every month.

The U.S. State Department’s refugee-resettlement program has placed more than 100,000 Somalis into U.S cities and towns since the early 1990s – all of them Muslims hand-selected by the United Nations refugee agency. And Minnesota has become the most popular destination, with secondary hotspots in Maine, Ohio, Colorado and southern California. More than 800 new refugees from Somalia arrive in the United States every month, according to Refugee Resettlement Watch.

The constant influx has earned parts of Minneapolis the nickname “Little Mogadishu.”

Johnson told CNN Sunday that terrorist groups such as Somalia-based al-Shabab are “relying more and more on independent actors to become inspired” and “attack on their own.”


1 comment:

  1. In the last presidential election, there were reports of vanloads of Somalis being taken to the polls to vote in the Columbus, Ohio area, second only to Minneapolis for Somali immigrants.
    Ohio was a vital swing state in the election, and has courted illegals for years.
    One cannot help but think the election results were significantly swayed by their presence and willingness to exercise what they see as a 'right'.


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