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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Delmarva Residents Take Back Control Of The Board of Education

I can't thank ALL of you enough for not only participating in sharing your concerns about redistricting but also in showing up to last nights meeting.

Salisbury News seemed to be the only media source that actually cared about this matter. Funny how I watched the local news act all excited about today's announcement and outcome, yet where were they?

It's been one hell of a week for Salisbury News and our viewers. We've all been able to enjoy multiple changes for the better and let me assure you, ALL of them couldn't have come about without YOU. 

So give yourselves a pat on the back and know that Fredericksen NO LONGER has the power any longer to ramrod whatever he wants down your throats. You not only have a powerful voice but you now also have  a forum in which  you've now become a community of voices. 

Very Cool Stuff Ladies & Gentlemen. You've Done Well!



    Thank you Joe for all you do in getting our voices HEARD!

  2. Well, at least DELMAR residents actually show up for meetings to be heard. The same cannot be said about Salisbury residents.

    Oh, they come on here and complain a whole lot but getting them to turn out to vote or show up for a meeting is like pulling teeth.

    That is, unless THEY have a child who attends Delmar Elementary, that is.

  3. Look what you did for the elections too Joe. This is why I only follow Salisbury News.

  4. Joe, don't forget that Delmar still has at least a kernel of community and non-transient population in it.

    Thanks to Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn, Gary Comegys, Louise Smith, Jim Ireton, Laura Mitchell, Shanie Shields and their cronies, Salisbury is mostly a fast turnover population, far outnumbering the folks who have been here for years and are insulted at every turn.

    They are like the dogs in that psych experiment where no matter what they do, they get an electric shock.

  5. Next step is the elected school board!!!!!

  6. Great job but many a peace has been lost when opponents don't honor the terms of their surrender. What may have been learned is not to do things out in the open with advance notice.

  7. 7:58 must be Dr. Freddy himself! Now he plans to only give one day's notice of the next meeting to do the change. It's an old trick. Let's find out what the rules are here....

  8. Create a crisis then solve it so you can say ...we do so listen to the voter!

  9. Somebody needs to stand up to these bully's. They have wasted and squandered the tax payer money for too long. Times are tough and most of us are living on a very lean budget. They need to do the same.

  10. Back in Nov or Dec had meeting at Pittsville and had a great turnout and many people voiced concerns... btw another meeting at Pittsville school Tuesday Feb 17th about same re-districting issues. Any parents in Pittsville/ Willards should attend like last time!!

  11. Jim that meeting has been canceled. Joe had a story about it at 6pm.

  12. Does this mean that the school board will try this bs again after the 2015/16 school year Is over?

  13. Why is anyone against redistricting. It is better to have schools in a k-5 setting. This creates a neighborhood school. Much better for the kids.

    1. With the redistricting some kids would have been at Delmar for PK-2 then North Salisbury for 3-5.

  14. Redistricting was a good idea. If you want to get involved in education. Speak out about Common Core Curriculum and PARCC testing.
    If you feel YOU can change something. Encourage everyone to speak against PARCC. You will not find a teacher who supports this testing.

  15. Did you hear how Dr. Fred lost the end of his finger? He stuck it where the sun don't shine and the victim clamed down on it.

  16. I for one will not have my son who is currently at parkside, be sent to wihi.

  17. All schools won't be K-5 as the plan for Chipman to be an early childhood center indicates. Research data shows that by grade 3 any benefits of these early intervention programs have evaporated. We don't want to acknowledge that so we ignore it.

  18. Another case where this blog spoke softly and carried a big stick. This blog is worth its weight in GOLD. Thank you Joe for holding people accountable and issues up to the light. Evil can only live in the dark. Thank you Joe for shining your light. *

  19. As a homeowner in Salisbury, I live in the Wi-Hi/Wi Middle district. I have one son, who graduated from Wi-Hi 2 years ago, 1 who is currently in Wi-Middle, and another son who will be at Wi Middle in a couple of years.

    I agree that plan that they proposed should not have been implemented. For example, proposal #5 of moving some Wi Middle students to Pittsville to "maximize middle school utilization" did not make sense. I did not see how moving students out of Wi Middle (an underutilized school) to Pittsville makes any sense. For the record, my children would have been STILL at Wi Middle after the proposal.

    That being said, redistricting is something that is needed at ALL county schools. There are great teachers at every school. The difference between WiHi,Parkside,JMB is not the quality of the students or the teachers, it is the parent involvement. If a real plan was in offered that balanced the demographics of the schools, redistricting would work. Good parents will ALWAYS invest the time, money, and support for their children no matter what school their children attend.

  20. Maybe what some of you are missing is the ultimate master plan by Fredericksen.

    He wants new schools and much larger ones.

    I hate when people in high places have way too much time on their hands. School population is getting smaller, not larger. Fix what you have and learn to MANAGE it.

    In a horrible economy, let's say you have a four bedroom home and six kids. Whoops, here comes #7!!! Do you put on an addition OR do you walk away from the home and sell it at a loss? Use your heads people. By the way, have you heard ANYONE complain about how things are now, seriously?

  21. Joe,
    The more I think about this plan, the more I think it is to get new schools. The numbers show that we have space for EVERYONE in the current schools. The right redistricting plan will show this. Then we can use the money saved from building new schools to renovate and update our existing schools.
    When people REFUSE to allow redistricting it allows the school system to say "I am out of space, we NEED to build a bigger school" This of course does not solve the problem of the schools being out of balance. It only makes it worse.

  22. Wi Middle is being closed for reasons other than maximum utilization of middle school space. How about never meeting achievement testing goals no matter what the test? A "swing" school to house school populations undergoing renovation or construction? Yes, young kids will do well with that huge central staircase and three story facility with only a handful of classrooms on the first floor. Perfect choice.

  23. Their will always be kids who do not pass achievement tests. This is because there will always be a group of kids who do not want to learn nor have parents that care.

    Closing Wi Middle does not solve the problem. Moving kids out of Wi Middle does not solve the problem. My son will pass his tests at Wi Middle because my wife and I stress the importance of education. Other children at Wi Middle with families who appreciate education will do fine as well.

    As a community we need to work together to not only support the Parksides, JMB, Delmar, etc but the WiHi, Wi Middle and other schools like them as well. I did not hear anyone from Delmar or Westside speak about that at the meeting on Tuesday.

  24. Fredrickson and jumbo are our local Obama equivalents.

  25. I agree with joe. The end game was bigger schools. I hate too say this but we do not deserve luxury schools. Half the city is on welfare and they act like we have a huge tax base with high end jobs to fund these schools. All the bars downtown that jake and Jim promote can not sustain schools like the new Bennett. We must look to live with in our means as this in not Montgomery county. We need to take a real look in the mirror and see the population that we serve.


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