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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Daily Times Published Press Release Of Suicide, Here's How Some Reacted...

  • Angelina Loveland Albero had this on his blog days ago with most of the "facts" wrong. Thank you Daily Times for cleaning up that mess of misinfo for us.
    Like · Reply · 7 · 14 hrs
  • Liam Livingston That could have been me. I lived in a car during times of the winters of 2012/13/14. I survived at least two suicide attempts and many more hospitalizations due to the hopelessness. I am just glad I sold my guns when I had kids or I wouldnt be typing ...See More
    Like · Reply · 11 · 14 hrs · Edited
  • Michele Jordan I was disgusted by that post with not only accusations that our police officers are lynching people but actually showing a picture of this poor man's body hanging from the tree. Did any of the agitators who put this online have any damn empathy for th...See More
    Like · Reply · 6 · 13 hrs
  • Susan Althouse Gray I can't believe that this is in the news. It is very horrific when one commits suicide, and the effect it has on the victim's family is absolutely horrible. Not only are they grieving the loss of a loved one, they are most of the time carrying feelings...See More
    Like · Reply · 2 · 14 hrs
  • Jenny Stewart Whittle So sad that people suffer so horribly.
    Like · Reply · 2 · 13 hrs
  • Susan Hargreaves Parker To late to keep it private. People were already asking, lots of people. Better to answer questions this way and be done with it than have rumors flying with no answers. City already made it public anyhow.
    Like · Reply · 6 · 14 hrs
  • Susan Althouse Gray Sounds like the SPD was just trying to cover their butts. They have a duty to intervene with a suicidal person. My mother and my uncle are probably rolling in their graves.
    Like · Reply · 14 hrs
  • Liam Livingston Gee Tiffany. I am going to be gentle with that response even though it makes me feel angry. We finally kill ourselves when alone invthe vack seat of a car as we have no money to turn the ignition on every hour and no money to go into Royal Farms with d...See More
    Like · Reply · 13 hrs
  • Chrissy Graves And everyone was wanting to assume he was hanged and scream hate crime!!!
    Like · Reply · 11 hrs
  • Brandi Nichole Cutlip Yea this dumb fuck Wayne Brown put online that he was lynched that it wasn't suicide ...fucking idiots...
    Like · Reply · 11 hrs
  • Tiffany N. Baker I am a person who doesn't like to pass judgement on ones situation. That being said, if someone wants to die then they aren't worried over what someone (even family) thinks. Most find suicide selfish but the family can be called selfish too if they are...See More
    Like · Reply · 13 hrs · Edited
  • Vicki Ferguson This paper has been promoting violence from anything they can.

Most of these people can't spell, let alone get their own facts straight. I also can't believe the Daily Times allows people to curse like they do. Their messages are just as bad, (inaccurate) as the ones posted on Cherish Fontaine's Facebook page. 

Funny how some people don't understand that there's a difference between something we publish from someone else's Facebook page and what I put up as an original piece. Are you listening Angelina?


  1. Most of these people spell what?

  2. This TRAGIC event has gotten entirely too much press,.,
    and too much 'wrong' press.
    Sadly, it is exactly what is wrong with our society today,., and particularly the youth,.,
    ie. the 'social media generation'.
    They have become almost completely desensitized
    to real death, real pain and real suffering.
    Let this poor soul RIP.

  3. 9:17, There are many things today, (at my age) I find hard to swallow but times do change and it is something we must accept.

    I will say though, hanging yourself 15 feet from the ground in plain sight to the public was certainly a call for attention.

    There are plenty of wooded areas way far away from the public eye this could have been done. Imagine the children that may have possibly gone by and saw this.

    I'll repeat what others have said. But it was OK for WBOC, WMDT & the Daily Times to expose the suicides of David Moore's secretary, Donnie Williams and Tony from Tony's Pizza???

    I guess a BLACK man's death just doesn't sell enough PAPERS!

  4. 9:17-True,especially when he checked out entirely of his own free will.Call me nit picky,but I would like to hear his story,or what there is of it to hear.What drove him to numerous suicide attempts and finally succeeding has me concerned with how many others are out there.

  5. I've known a handful of people to committ suicide,
    and I knew Tony (Rt 12 Pizza) myself,
    and happened to work nearby, when his suicide occurred.
    Very tragic, and unforeseen, as we had seen him a few days earlier, and he seemed the same as always.
    Something 'never rang completely true' to me about his death,
    but I was not privy to his personal life, nor his personal despair.
    I had 'suspicions' when it occurred,
    but will not go into that here.
    Suicide is something that is never easily understood, and I guess the very nature of it causes much misunderstanding, and high emotions.
    As more recent 'high profile' suicides have occurred,
    we realize it is a choice,..,
    just not a choice WE 'think' we will ever make,.,
    but WE just don't know all the factors that motivate the individual that does.
    Quite sad.

  6. Joe, I think this has gotten enough coverage. The ugliness that has been spewed has been read and discussed. It is time to take this down. Everyone knows that the DT is a bottom feeder. We don't need to see what comments are made on their site.

  7. I'm not so certain that we have to accept some changes. This blog is good because it accepts anon comments and gives those of us who choose to remain anon a voice.
    As far as accepting the change brought about by Facebook, we can effect change by bringing to light when someone posts something outrageous. Political correctness dictates we shouldn't call people out for outrageous behaviour, but time and time again public humiliation has shown to back a person off who engages. Once something is posted on FB it's out there for good, because if it's controversial you can bet many have screenshots of the offense.
    For the most part no one belongs on Facebook. All it does is open a hole into your life. If there is one thing you should guard it's your privacy.

  8. 10:13, well said. Particularly in relation to Facebook. I got off facebook nearly a year ago due to privacy concerns. Deleted my account.

    It turns out, you can't really delete your account. It's apparently still there. I'm told the only way to remove all that stuff is to individually delete each post. Even then, the images will remain. And their protection of images is a joke.

    So, I got off. Thankfully, I was old enough and stable enough that I hadn't posted any of the stupid things I did while in college or similar. Can't say the same for some, who may be haunted by stupid stunts for years.

  9. 10:02 "Suicide is something that is never easily understood". Not true at all. It means the person only worries about himself, and that they don't have the courage to fight or ask for help. It is a cowardly act for attention that does no one any good.

  10. If they don't want to live, who are you to decide they must stick around and suffer if they are miserable? (with physical illness or mental)

  11. Can't say I agree.
    I believe they covered the other suicides because they were successful people and for some unfortunate reason, many people delight in seeing how the "Mighty"have fallen.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    10:02 "Suicide is something that is never easily understood". Not true at all. It means the person only worries about himself, and that they don't have the courage to fight or ask for help. It is a cowardly act for attention that does no one any good.

    February 18, 2015 at 10:38 AM

    That is not true at all. It's not selfish nor is it cowardly. When you are in a dark place and in pain all the time, you just want it to stop.

    Selfish is when people want those that are in pain to continue to be in pain no matter what. They don't have a clue what that person is going through.

  13. 10:38
    It's a great thing you aren't a therapist.

    Why is anyone talking about race? Some of you folks are animals with no empathy or desire to understand someone's emotional state of mind.

  14. Angelina is a 33yo imbecile. She claims to know english but obviously cannot understand what she reads since she associates peoples comments with 'facts' you posted.

    And she supports the Daily Mess so that says a lot also.

    You just can't fix stupid.

  15. Joe...you catch alot of crap and I don't always agree with your opinions....but I can say that you are not afraid of being a true journalist...sometimes life is horrific and it is ugly, but that doesn't mean that people shouldn't be aware of their surroundings and things that happen in their community...thanks for always reporting the truth...

  16. Sex offnder down 900,000 to go

  17. Let the person rest in peace. He no longer will suffer from the anguish and pain of trying to survive..


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