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Thursday, February 19, 2015

CDC Hypes Flu Dangers: Top Doctor

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urges Americans over the age of six months to get an annual flu shot. Their pleas are combined with dire warnings of risking hospitalization and death for those who skip the shot. But are the warnings over-inflated?

On their own website, the CDC states that flu deaths between 1976 and 2006 ranged from a low of 3,000 people to a high of 49,000. But they also reported on their website that only 500 people died from flu in 2010. "The fact is, the outrageous claims of 3,000 to 49,000 deaths are inaccurate numbers," says holistic family physician Dr. David Brownstein. "They are just guesswork."

The CDC itself admits it doesn't know how many people die from flu each year, and that their figures are estimates. How does the CDC get such over-inflated flu death numbers? "The CDC lumps pneumonia with the flu to make their numbers look better," Dr. Brownstein tells Newsmax Health. "It is an estimated number that includes people who also die from pneumonia, and the flu vaccine has never been shown to protect against getting pneumonia," he says.

Why does the CDC keep reporting inflated numbers? "The CDC needs to keep Big Pharma happy, because that's what really controls healthcare," says Dr. Brownstein. "So, the CDC perpetuates the myth that everyone needs a flu shot. The CDC can say they're doing their job, Big Pharma can sell more shots, and everyone is happy."

So, hospitals, doctors, pharmacies and other health-related organizations and health personnel relentlessly push vaccination.

More here


  1. Haven't had the flu in over 10 years. Have gotten my flu shot every year for at least the last 7. Got the flu shot this year AND the flu! Can't win for losin'

  2. Yeah, right. Pump yourself full of unknown chemicals. I think I'll risk the flu.

  3. I had to take my baby girl in to get checked out last month. She had the flu, and it turned into an ear infection.

    While she was getting checked out, they tried to order a flu shot for her. There's no reason to give an infant with an already over-stressed immune system a shot which states in the insert that it can give you the flu. And the shot doesn't even cover this year's strain. I politely declined several times before they gave up.

    Turns out, that shot's worth about $80 in revenue to the practice. That's nearly $500/hr to inject people with poisons. I really feel like doctors have become money making robots instead of being trained to think about patient care.

  4. EXACTLY RIGHT, 1:22.
    You hit it right on the head.

  5. I used to get the shot until last year when I decided to research it and found it was more dangerous than they advised. I forced my son to get it for several years as well and every year it made him sick that is why I researched it. I will never get another one EVER! Every time I got one it caused extended pain in my shoulder and since not getting one no pain so one has to wonder what's in it.


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