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Monday, February 16, 2015

Calls For Ginsburg To Drop Out of Marriage Case Escalate

The calls for Ruth Bader Ginsburg to drop out of the same-sex marriage case looming before the U.S. Supreme Court are surging after she gave Bloomberg News an interview in which she lobbied for the practice.

The 81-year-old, far-left justice revealed her preferences when she said it “would not take a large adjustment” for Americans “should the justices say gay marriage is constitutional.”

“How can Ginsburg possibly think that it’s proper judicial conduct for her to speak out on this issue while the marriage case is pending before the court?” wondered National Review columnist Ed Whelan. “If she had any sense of her duty to maintain both the appearance and the reality of impartiality, she would recognize that she is now obligated to recuse herself from the case.

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  1. Well, this is not the first indication that the excess booze has affected her judgement.

  2. Any decisions by the SCOTUS is like your mother being the judge in your criminal case. They will always side with the beliefs of those who appointed them or who have influence upon them.

  3. Time for the biased old bag to retire.

  4. There are so few states left without same sex marriage that it doesn't really matter.


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