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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Attention WalMart Shoppers





  4. Well, they are disabled because of their fat. Do you know how much health problems come with all this excessive weight? And before you judge you don't know what comes first - their weight and then disease or disease and the weight after.
    P.S. and i am underweight. So not protecting my own. Just a little compassion goes a long way.


  5. And Walmart should post this in every store

  6. This people legitimately can't walk because their morbid obesity has blown out their knees and hips. I tend 2 look at the positive side. Theyre not going 2 live long enough 2 deplete the social security trust fund.

  7. I just reposted this on my facebook and was laid out extensively by someone and then another person. I don't equate fat with lazy but I have seen lazy people abusing the system. I deleted the comments and left my post. Proving I am the embodiment of evil. And Shanie doesn't need to be anywhere in public

  8. AMEN!!! Jonathan Taylor, Laura Mitchell and Shanie Shields if you would park your jalopies at the end of the Walmart parking lot and walked to the store you would burn a a lot of calories off you fat asses. When you got in the store you need to walk around it a couple of times to do your shopping. And when you get your grocery carts to shop, they are for putting food and other items in their for you needs. Now remember you need shop by the EBT guides and no junk food. Stay away frum dem cakes and cookies and ice cream. When you doos walks bak to yo jalopys make sho you unloads dem grocieries in yo jalopies you makes sho you walks dem carts back to Walmarts front Doe an den backs to yo jalopies. We gonna lose some some poundage.

  9. Anonymous said...
    Well, they are disabled because of their fat. Do you know how much health problems come with all this excessive weight? And before you judge you don't know what comes first - their weight and then disease or disease and the weight after.
    P.S. and i am underweight. So not protecting my own. Just a little compassion goes a long way.

    February 12, 2015 at 8:00 PM

    They don't have any compassion for the taxpayers just the donuts so GTH you lowlife bottom feeder.

  10. Anonymous Ben In Salisbury said...
    I just reposted this on my facebook and was laid out extensively by someone and then another person. I don't equate fat with lazy but I have seen lazy people abusing the system. I deleted the comments and left my post. Proving I am the embodiment of evil. And Shanie doesn't need to be anywhere in public

    February 12, 2015 at 11:10 PM

    I posted a pic of some fat ass on one in Walmart and I literally go abused by a couple of fat asses who had some made up medical excuses for them being fat lazy asses. Look people we are not stupid you gained 300 lbs from eating a lot of food with a high caloric intake. You can't gain 3 to 400 lbs by eating salads and walking all day.

    The majority of people with true medical disorders have their own carts so the ones that Walmat has is an open invitation for the fat asses to stay lazy by riding them around.

  11. If Darwinism were left to its end - these folks would eventually kill themselves off with their combination of laziness and obesity!

  12. God Bless all of you for your compassion.

  13. Go to the bottom of this blog and listen to John Oliver to help you to understand the crime that is being committed by drug companies and doctors that cause people to become dependent on drugs that can morph your body into a drug dependent overweight blob and lead to an early death. Check your elderly parents and see what drugs are being pushed on them that they don't really need. Then pay attention to the people pulling the little black bags into your doctors office and ask your doctor how much $ he is receiving in kick backs from big pharma to create a need for medications that serve no purpose but to line their pockets. Yes there are fat people out there that actually got that way on their own ...but more and more these people have medical help.

  14. What about those who get handicap car tags just because they are simply overweight?

  15. It a shame to refer to the morbidly obese in such a manner. They ARE disabled, in every sense of the word. Regardless of the circumstances of the disability occurrence, being disabled is just that. No one would dare suggest that anyone with a self inflicted disability (drunk driving, stupid accident, suicide attempt, etc.)be treated with the same contempt.

  16. Some folks will put anything on Facebook,and then wonder why on earth no one will hire them.

  17. 8:00 "And before you judge you don't know what comes first - their weight and then disease or disease and the weight after."

    I'll tell you what came first....cheeseburgers. Hundreds of cheeseburgers.

  18. A guy on that car nut channel put a 350 in a bar stool & finished it off with a 4 speed manual transmission..honest to goodness;check it out.If he could just do that to one of these babies I would love to sit back and watch when some fat ass got on it & fired it up.

  19. I work with people with disabilities such as cerebral palsy and spina bifida who truly need to use a scooter. It upsets me when I see parents allowing their children to drive them. I have reported this in SAMs club and Walmart nothing was done. Appears it doesn't matter as long as people are spending money. So unfair and inconsiderate to those in need. What are these people teaching their children?

  20. By the way
    There's no rules
    No laws
    You don't like it?
    Petition for a mandate
    Otherwise shut it
    You ALL look like judgmental prejudice bigots

    If our technology progressed into having automatic moving sidewalks
    Y'all would bitch about that too

    Quit your bitching


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