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Sunday, February 22, 2015

A Comment Our Viewers/Advertisers Should See

Jonathan Taylor has left a new comment on your post " Salisbury Restaurant Week March 2nd - 8th 2015": 

"Every restaurant will be called and informed of their business on your website. We do not give business to anyone who advertises on your website.. WOODY'S was the first but not the last to pull advertisement"

Publishers Notes: Well, by the looks of him I'd say this is a pretty serious threat. 


  1. "Bugger off. I couldn't eat another thing."
    "But sir, it's only a wafer thiiiin miiint"

  2. JT get back over on your HOG BLOG with all the other trash.

  3. He has no job. He has no money. Local restaurants don't accept ebt cards. Why do you think this guy is even a threat.

  4. Will be informed of what? That JT is envious? That Joe gets a hundred thousand hits to your fourteen? That he has a staff and you don't? That his site isn't dependent upon the input and financial assistance of some of the slimiest players in Salisbury like yours is?
    Give it up, birdbrain.

  5. Who is this creep and what is his claim to fame?

  6. Lets see, he couldn't take the heat, stopped allowing comments on his one sided liberal blog, then after no activity, decided the stress of his selfless life, stopped any news posts, and needed time off. (pay attention few advertisers, that's a real professional your dealing with) A week later, decided he better plop his fat ass back down and reopen, to keep his few undeclared dollars rolling in. Then of cource, has to bash Joe, after the 100th time, or 100 lies, he was going to stop. Folks, this slob is a mental case.

  7. Isnmt the height of hiprocracy not to allow anonomous comments but have anonomous authors of multiple articles? The idiot just cannot tolerate any points of view but his own.

  8. He still doesn't have a clue as what kind of format or direction his blog goes, changes like the weather, inconsistent. He's a common douche bag. His blog is even a douche, you are what you eat.

  9. This guy came into my restaurant not long ago and people started leaving because his body odor was so bad. I was afraid our chairs wouldn't support him. Not to worry Joe. No one believes this guy anyway.

  10. 7:47 PM

    "I'll have the lot."
    "A bucket for monsieur."

    Love it.

  11. Who ties this guys shoes and how does he wipe his butt.


  13. Call 1-800-fat-asss

  14. 9:20 -- Actually blubber boy does have some acolytes -- Ireton, Fake Day, Mitchell, Shields -- who support his BS.

  15. he states on his blog post that he doesn't live off the system. if he doesn't, where does his money come from?

  16. 8:38, He's a LIAR and that's a FACT. Notice my name is on my comment.

  17. jonnie T .....pathetic

  18. Me and my better half had just sit down for a great meal at red lobster a few back ..I was enjoying my glass of wine and bread sticks. Kinda cozy..AND THEN IT HAPPENED!" In walked This huge man and 2 huge woman. I have never see this JT before but real quick realized it was HIM.How gross they ate like pigs! He had on shorts and I could see up his huge legs..and they smelled..Well that was the end of my dinner..needless to say..


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