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Thursday, January 08, 2015

Wicomico County Welcome Center Temporarily Closed for Renovations

Salisbury, MD – The Wicomico County Information Center will temporarily close its restrooms this winter for renovations. The Center, located on Route 13 in Delmar, MD will close its restrooms beginning on January 13, 2015. The remainder of the Welcome Center will remain open during the renovations, and it is expected to be fully operational again by mid-February.

The current restroom facilities are original to the building, which was built in 1996. Funding for the project comes from a capital escrow account, which was established by the tourism division to cover maintenance and repair costs for the Welcome Center. The tourism division is funded through a 6% local hotel room tax, and it does not require a County tax subsidy in order to operate or maintain its facilities.

Travelers to the area may visit Maryland’s State Dept. of Transportation State Highway Administration web site for a listing of alternative rest areas www.roads.maryland.gov. Those seeking information on Wicomico County can continue to do so by visiting www.WicomicoTourism.org or calling 1.800.332.TOUR (8687).


  1. Getting ready to put a For Sale sign up ???

  2. Uh, I wonder if anyone in MD Government ever heard of portable toilet companies who offer rentals?

  3. Joe,
    Thank you for saying Delmar Md.
    Some of the people who work in there do not know it is Delmar and not Salisbury

  4. Let's hope Bob Culver closes this waste of money for good.

  5. If this is the Tourism office located on Route 13 north, it is a disgrace. Mold and moss all over building, lights out. What kind of impression does that leave with tourists? THIS is what Mackes and Beauchamp took care of? So glad they are gone. They only cared about self-promotion and not the taxpayer. Beauchamp's crazy gasification scheme would have sunk this county financially. The old regime acted like the taxpayers had an endless pot of money to give them. Hurray for Culver and his living up to his campaign promises. And shame on those Pollitt, tax and spend people including RINO Matt Holloway for trying to discredit Culver. The PEOPLE have spoken and the old regime needs to get out of the way. Those of us who support Culver aren't going to allow you to discredit him because he is looking out for the taxpayer. It is you the abusers of the system who will be exposed for who and what you are.

  6. The most expensive toilet and ashtray in wicomico county.

  7. Shut this place down bob.

  8. The parks dept has a knowledgeable man who oversees and does alot of hands on himself repairs for there facilites. He is a true asset to that department.He is also a good man too.

  9. Just to reiterate, the article states: "The tourism division is funded through a 6% local hotel room tax, and it does not require a County tax subsidy in order to operate or maintain its facilities.". Unless you stay in the local hotels, it does not effect your taxes.


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