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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Vandal paints over Silver Spring church sign

WASHINGTON — A vandal armed with a can of spray paint scrawled over a church sign that read: “Black Lives Matter.”

The white paint crossed out the word “Black” and replaced it with “All.”

Christ Congregational Church in Silver Spring, Maryland, brought the vandalized sign inside the sanctuary and made it a central part of the sermon Sunday.

“These are small aggressions, and they build up over time,” the Rev. Dr. Matthew Braddock tells NBC 4.

“I think that they’re deliberate, and they’re intentionally hurtful.”



  1. Wait...intentionally hurtful to remind everyone that all lives matter, not just black lives? Remember Mr. Preacher, the biggest killer of black lives, are blacks.

  2. I think the statement "black lives matter" is a racist statement. If i showed up with a white lives matter sign after a black person killed a white person i would be called a racist.

  3. I would paint the sign in the same way in a heartbeat. Stop the racism.

  4. Good. I for one am tired of this race baiting garbage.

  5. Another Al Sharpton wannabe..

  6. He wasn't a vandal: Just another person who is fed up with the race- baiters.

  7. I think the president should give every Black American that wants to be called African American 50k and a one way ticket to the mother land. The person can not return to the U.S. for a minimum of 20 years and then only on a Visa. Does anyone want to guess how many would take the offer. They are not that stupid. Lol free everything here in the good ole U.S. land of plenty. No I refuse to call Black Americans African. Total b.s. if you ask me. Martin Luther would be ashamed of what people of color have become. Weak,lazy,loose morals. Not all but most that choose to stay down. Little girls having babies for a check. Grand mothers raising the tribe. Just sad, very sad.

    No all lives matter period. If you dont like it here get the hell out no matter what color you are

  8. I don't see it as "vandalism", it's simply a correction of a deliberate oversight of facts. I'd do the same thing.

  9. Defacing someone's property without permission is vandalism.

  10. Why does a church have this up don't all lives matter.

  11. 7:22 Guess you've never been to one.


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