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Sunday, January 25, 2015

US House votes to bar federal funds for abortion coverage

As thousands of abortion foes surged through the city on their annual protest march to the Supreme Court, Republicans muscled legislation through the House on Thursday tightening federal restrictions on abortions. The vote came after internal divisions forced them into an embarrassing fumble of a similar bill.

Even as a White House veto threat all but ensured the bill would never become law, the House voted by a near party-line 242-179 to permanently bar federal funds for any abortion coverage. The measure would also block tax credits for many people and businesses buying abortion coverage under President Barack Obama's health care law.

GOP leaders pushed the measure to the House floor hours after abruptly abandoning another bill banning most late-term abortions because a rebellion led by female Republican lawmakers left them short of votes.



  1. This is not news. They do this every year. So what if it's permanent? It still will be vetoed. GOP, stay out of women's health care. Go restrict your Viagra. Like that has any chance....

  2. 3:45
    I will stay out of it as long as I don't have to pay for it. It's time you liberal hacks be responsible for your own actions. Be accountable for ONCE in your life. You want an abortion YOU pay for it.

  3. No offense 3:54,but I don't agree with you if that expense changes their minds.

  4. 3:54, not a liberal hack. Fiscally conservative woman who wants the government to stop trying to tell me what to do with my body. Question: are you ok paying for Viagra? Maybe you name calling good ole boys should take a look in the mirror before sounding off and making stupid assumptions.

    1. Pay for your own pill, and get a job? LAzy add.

  5. its a womans decision......but the government should not be paying for it....wether you're a democrat, republican, federlist, Whip, libertarian, atheist, Christian, devil worshiper doesn't have a thing to do with it.

  6. No they should not be paying for it but they also shouldn't be paying for services/drugs for men either. The day the govt stops paying for both is the day they should not pay for either. You guys want to make the rules as long as they don't apply to or limit you. That is what this woman is trying to say. I get it. Too bad so many don't. And yes, I have a job and pay my own way. I believe in equal protection under the law. Kind of like SCOTUS.

  7. So someone who believes in equal rights is a liberal hack, a welfare queen, never takes responsibility for herself, lazy, and voted for Obama? Wow. No wonder you people have such a reputation for being ignorant. Let the name calling begin anew. It's obviously the best you have to offer.

  8. My vasectomy/Viagra/etc is covered by federal funds but abortions aren't? Explain THAT GOP.

  9. If the GOP is serious about getting healthcare, police, and education costs down they would welcome abortions with open arms.

    Almost EXACTLY 18 years after Rowe v Wade our crime rate began dropping rather dramatically. Unwanted children depend on subsidies, are more likely to commit crimes, and are far more prone to claiming disability.

  10. The difference here is that abortion takes the life of a human being. The tiny heart pumps blood to the brain by the 12th week. I'd rather pay taxes for free sonograms for all women to view prior to any decision. Why not use a form of birth control to prevent getting pregnant if that's your desire? We don't know exactly when God places a spirit and soul in the fetus. But we will be held accountable for ending a life He has made.

  11. A vasectomy is a medical procedure. Viagra is a medication. Abortion Is MURDER. If you want to murder a baby you do so with your own money not mine.

  12. 630 & 631 are clearly not medical professionals and just listen to the background noise at Hardee's. They are probably men who have no business thelling women what they should do. We have no right that is for sure.

    Anyways, based on your all's 'logic' and reasoning, getting a vasectomy (or using condoms for that matter) is also murder.

  13. 5:48
    Wow, that seems like a cold statement but damn if that doesn't make a weird amount of sense.

  14. Alot of insurance plans do not pay for Viagra! Do your homework! Alot of the men that want that little blue pill pay out of pocket for it! Vasectomies are covered, as well as having your tubes cut, tied, or burned! Most contraceptive medical procedures are covered! I believe that it is a woman's choice to have an abortion! But I do not believe that anyone other than the woman should have to foot the bill for it! Let alone receiving a TAX benefit for getting one! I never got a tax benefit for being responsible enough to have my tubes tied! You have the right to choose to have an abortion, and you have the responsibility to pay for it!


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