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Monday, January 26, 2015

Trans Pacific Partnership: Obama ready to push secretive trade deal

The TPP has drawn the ire of Democrats including Elizabeth Warren who object it will destroy jobs, limit online freedom, increase outsourcing and derail climate agreements. Ironically, it has made allies of his GOP rivals

The Trans Pacific Partnership is a trade agreement so significant and important, its details can’t be disclosed.

The TPP, sure to make an appearance during tonight’s State of the Union, is a 21st-century trade agreement involving 11 Asian countries along the Pacific Rim, and said to cover 40% of the world’s economy.

The TPP is a subject close to the heart – and the economic plans – of President Obama. In a November trip to Beijing, he urged other world leaders to finalize the agreement, calling it a “high priority” that would strengthen American leadership in the Asia-Pacific region and lead to growth, investment and job prospects for more workers.

The administration has argued that the deal will allow lower tariffs for American exports, in an environment of increasing competition, especially from China. Obama is also touting the deal as a boon for small businesses. When 98% of the US’s exporters are small businesses, new trade partnerships will help them create even more jobs, he proclaimed in last year’s State of the Union address. “Listen, China and Europe are not standing on the sidelines. Neither should we.”

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  1. The trouble with a secret deal is what skulduggery is hiding in it.. I don't trust Ob' to do anything good for this country, and you can bet he's hiding something like Gun Control in it.

  2. If this goes through, get ready for martial law...

    Under the U.N. which this treaty will put us, the U.N. will control our courts, education system and the like...

    They already said under the U.N. they will allow for the USA to not have to put labels of warnings on foods, like if the beef is cloned or not... they won't have to recall tainted meat and everything else that goes with it...

    It is getting crazy and stupid out here in this world let alone our own country... I can't understand why you people are so stupid as to what will happen to you, your kids or family or friends... All this is not by chance, either it is coming from god or some sick people who hate the world and people and want to harm them maybe even kill them...

  3. "GET READY for martial law"?? It's already here, didn't you notice? Ob' is ruling by edict and nobody will stop him. Why do you think the police are being retrained and equipped like an army, and secret police are being trained to put down a revolution??.. To stop any dissension that erupts.! Exactly how HITLER did it.

  4. Obama is an idiot and a crooked SOB that is doing his best to destroy our country.


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