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Sunday, January 11, 2015

This New Picture Against #BlackLivesMatter Rioters Is Going Viral and for a Good Reason

If there is a more divisive slogan to have come out of the aftermath of the untimely deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner than “Black Lives Matter,” I don’t know what it is.

It would be so simple to use “All Lives Matter” and at least have the opportunity to unite the entire country behind their cause instead of furthering a racial divide that they claim to denounce.



  1. If you value life, don't create babies you have no hope of supporting.

  2. Babies are their meal ticket and what they don't use they sell 8:01. They don't even love these children otherwise they wouldn't dream of having them with no means of support. All they are is a meal ticket and that is why when one does get killed by another black they don't care.

  3. The copslivesmatter hash tag came out first. I've been saying all lives matter the whole time. But here on the shore you sheeple are led by tyrants with applause. And then ready to jump the gun over this post like screw the blacks, don't create babies you have no hope .....
    Its simple. All lives matter. Any different ideas then your part of the problem. We need to work together. Use the energy spent thinking about negatives and think about ways to help find a solution. Together we can find a way to end this senseless crap.

  4. I feel so sorry for these misinformed individuals, they are brain dead. The fact of the matter there are classes out there in the black community to help them stop the gang banging, furthermore they are missing the point when blacks do crimes against whoever they are punished the police are not. They feel like its open season on Black Youth because they know they can lie and get away with it. By the way with it. What about WHITE ON WHITE crime, you are greatest murderers on the planet. Mass murderers , you need to check white history.

  5. 8:24 Your comment is ridiculous but expected and only proves that blacks don't value life.
    First off you are grossly uninformed. A huge percentage of black on black murders go unsolved. We see it right here at UMES where there is an unsolved murder of a young black man that no one cares about but some bottom feeders who couldn't wait to show off and jump on the Ferguson band wagon, held a protest, where they sunk so low that they spread the hands up lie.
    Secondly whether someone is punished or not for a death doesn't bring the victim back to life. So basically what you are saying is it's fine for someone to be murdered as long as someone is punished which again shows an utter disregard for life.
    White on white crime is nothing compared to the way blacks are killing each other so don't even go there because I do not and will not tolerate uninformed ignorance. You can keep on telling your lies to other "stupid" (not my word, but Obama's insider Jonathan Gruber in describing democrats)people who will believe you.

  6. "Together we can find a way to end this senseless crap."

    Enough with the "together" "crap."
    What about personal responsibility!
    99% of the black criminals have the same thing in common-no fathers, poverty, etc.
    It's not my responsibility to tell baby momma to not hop from bed to bed with every criminal who gives her a second look.
    THEY need to learn self control and how to be responsible.
    Children born into poverty and grow up in crime ridden neighborhoods are almost always doomed to be criminals.
    Some act like it's rocket science. Clean your own neighborhoods up. Report crime. Don't let your children out in the streets.
    If they can help themselves with these little things then they have real problems and it's called ignorance and no one can fix that and they deserve to wallow in their cesspools of crime and poverty.

  7. People it is not "ALL Blacks" or "All Whites". Americans better learn to be brothers. Just take look around at all the killing over what faith you follow or just the plain fact you are American they dont care what color you are. This diversion may very well let America's enemies in the back door. Wake up stop the color,cop bull shit. Our issues are bigger much much bigger.

    When the system fails and you are straving you will take food from a person of any color. The shit is coming. They are crossing the boarder daily. The city of Dteriot has more mosque per square mile then any where i the Northern hemispere. WSake up idiots they are in the gate

  8. Yeah black people. Since you kill each other you shouldn't care if others kill you as well!

    Just like whites, they kill each other so they shouldn't care when the Muslims kill them!


  9. 4:00 look at statistics please. Then try to make sense of your statement

  10. Dogslivesmatter, too

  11. America is full of color diseased people. We are oneday gonna wish we had gotten along.


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