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Wednesday, January 07, 2015

The Fix Is In: RNC Establishment Already Seized Control Over the Presidential Nomination Process

Constitutional conservatives are not only mad at the Republican Party Establishment, but they want to defeat them—and defeat them badly. The bad news is that the Republican Establishment knows this and has already fixed the process to favor their selected 2016 Presidential nominee.

Conservatives want Party leadership thrown out and they want Establishment Republican elected officials defeated in primaries. This could not be more obvious as recently elected Establishment favorites are swiftly and forcefully joining forces with the Obama administration on at least two of the most important issues facing our nation: illegal immigration and the national debt.

In response, many conservatives have become very optimistic about the 2016 primary season, including the prospect of nominating for the first time in 32 years a real conservative to represent the Party in a presidential election. I wish this were true.

The sad reality is that the deck is already stacked against the conservatives to such a degree that winning the GOP presidential nomination will be extremely difficult, if not next to impossible. This is true even if the conservatives can agree on a strong, viable nominee to represent them and even though the vast majority of the Republican base is conservative. How can this possibly be?

While many conservative leaders and pundits dismiss the role of the Republican National Committee (RNC) itself when it comes to determining the philosophical direction of the Party, the reality is that Party organization and procedures are vital to determining that direction and it ultimately affects public policy. This is most clearly seen at the presidential level.



  1. The NWO wins this one, conservatives are their only real opposition to them. They know full well the ultimate split in the Republican party that is coming will automatically give the power to the commu-crat NWO butt kissers.

  2. Split in the Republican party? Brilliant DEM strategy.

  3. Always in the ClosetJanuary 7, 2015 at 7:29 PM

    Vote For Hillary so us Transvestites can get Married in Maryland...


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