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Friday, January 23, 2015

Texas Cops Jail Woman For ‘Walking Without A License’

Charges for driving without license and registration... while walking

A woman in Hamlin, Texas is fighting charges of driving without a license and expired registration after she was arrested and jailed by cops while WALKING home with groceries.

Wendy Robins is appealing for help with her case as she fears the police department is pursuing a vendetta against her by refusing to drop the charges.

The charges stem from the incident which took place in November. Ms Robins says she was minding her own business walking home from the local store when she was physically accosted by an officer.

“I was approached by Officer Chad Boyett a block and a half away from my home, which I own.” Robins wrote in a submission to police watchdog website Copblock.

“Officer Boyett passed me and did a U-turn at the intersection in front of me and then pulled up beside me. I continued walking as he asked me where my auto was. I told him it didn’t matter because I was walking and that I didn’t have time for this, so I was going home.” Robins added.



  1. If this is all of the story and it is true, this is just plain wrong. Putting her in jail for walking without a license and registration??? And then the judge fining her??? Something very wrong here.

  2. Cars and cops should have video all the time!
    Typical police state already rampant nation wide. If a cop tried this on me he better be ready to use deadly force. And I don't care about the peanut gallery of Leos that will bash my comment. I am willing to die for my freedoms and liberties. Remember Leos.....people like me are here on the shore and we are tired of the injustices!

  3. If the cop seen her driving knowing she had no license why didn't he pull her over at that time? Bet it was the end of his shift and didn't want to interrupt his dinner date.

  4. Wrong 1:54, he better be ready for the deadly force that's on it's way after he's done with the attempted murder, wrongful arrest, kidnapping, battery, hindering, obstruction of justice... (and every other law he broke)

  5. in a gots to go type of situation.

  6. This proves we dont need more police ..just concealed carry shall be issued in md at once....put the courts and cops out of bussiness... it obvious the cops and courts are just one big useless money sucking disorder...oh i wont hold my breath for that to happen makes to much sense..goes against the Marxist police state ideology we are experiencing

  7. The fact that LE has lost all trust and respect from the citizens glares in the face of stories like this. They are truly on a course of confrontation with the American people. It is inevitable that LE will be challenged, physically, at some future date. Those citizens that have been murdered and terrorized by LE are becoming martyrs, symbols of the atrocities being committed by LE. The American people are now coming to realize just how corrupt and lawless LE truly is.

  8. They are not going to do anything to this Devil , He will get an Ata Boy and a slap on the back .

  9. I'm not very happy with this police department. We had a situation 5 days before Christmas. Officer "claims" my husband was "acting a fool and pissing in the middle of the road" so he was getting him for disorderly conduct. While talking to my husband he pulls his tazer on him just because my husband put his thumbs in his pockets to rest them. The officer already knew he(my husband) had no deadly weapons on him. he came and talked to me and asked what I wanted to happen I said hes done nothing wrong so he needs to come home with me. The officer then said is he on any drugs or alcohol or does he take anything I stated no sir to the drugs and alcohol, the only thing is a prescribed medication that we can prove with doctors notes and prescriptions. The officer said okay because he didn't want to arrest my husband in front of his 3 year old daughter he then asked my husband if he was under the influence of alcohol or anything and my husband stated no the officer said he believed him. Next thing I know the officer is putting my husband in handcuffs because he doesn't think it's "safe" that he goes home with me and says hes getting him on disorderly conduct charges. I get a call the next morning from my Husband telling me that the officer lied and when they got to the jail in Anson the officer told them it was for public intoxication. He didn't even give my husband any proper tests to prove it. How are you going to arrest someone is you cant prove what you arrested them for? he had 3 witnesses that he wasn't on anything or hadn't been drinking at all. in my opinion the officer was young and wanted to prove he had some kind of power and be a jerk.
    So we are in the process of fighting them as well.


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