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Monday, January 05, 2015

State May Impose $500 Fine for Wearing a Hoodie in Public

It is already illegal in Oklahoma to wear a hood during a crime; a law dating back to the 1920s banned them when the Klu Klux Klan was a big threat. Now, state legislators want to ban hoodies completely from public areas. Anyone caught wearing a hoodie will be fined a whopping $500.

According to KFOR 4, Senator Don Barrington authored the proposed amendment; he says they want to help victims of robberies.

“The intent of Senate Bill 13 is to make businesses and public places safer by ensuring that people cannot conceal their identities for the purpose of crime or harassment….Similar language has been in Oklahoma statutes for decades and numerous other states have similar laws in place. Oklahoma businesses want state leaders to be responsive to their safety concerns, and this is one way we can provide protection.” – said Sen. Don Barrington of Lawton.

Not everyone is happy, including guys with bald heads who just want to stay warm outside during winter. Additionally, the proposed law has put civil liberties advocates at odds with law and order proponents, reviving the long-running debate over whether the “Broken Windows” method of policing is effective and worth the risk of trampling on constitutional rights. No doubt if the legislation passes, there will be lawsuits filed.



  1. Oklahoma, land of the free. What a joke.

  2. Then it should be a crime to manufacture hoodies. Whats the point of a hood if you can not wear it.

    A knee jerk response to a non-resolvable issue.

  3. One of the most versatile and practical pieces of clothing ever invented.
    Oklahoma is just plain stupid.

  4. A hoodie does not a thug make. This is kinda silly, sort of like "gun laws" where the emphasis is on the gun rather than the shooter.

  5. I had to put one of my hoodies on restriction the other day. I had laid it down on my bed to take a shower, it got up, went to Hebron for some Heroin, robbed a store and beat a lady.

    Don't worry, I put it in one of those hanger bags, with a zipper and put a lock on it.

  6. 1:46 makes good liberal sense.

  7. Republicans control the OK legislature. Just sayin.

  8. I wear a hoodie with my winter coat. It keeps me warm at home as well as at work. There is nothing threatening about them. I will keep wearing it. They are sold everywhere and all age groups and races wear them. Hoodies have been warn for as long as humans have roamed the earth. Are you going to arrest Catholic monks or Druids for wearing one as a part of their religion or Muslims who wear them to protect them from the sun?


  9. America at its best again,always after the symptoms and never going near a problem.


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