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Monday, January 12, 2015

SPD Press Release 1-12-15 (Shoplifting)


  1. Charles Carey is a bum. He is just like Nick Parks. He stands in front of WaWa and begs for money. He also has an extensive rap sheet.

  2. He likes men also!

  3. Crime is down in Salibury

  4. Excellent police work, civillan loss prevention catch the criminals and detain them, police write a report about it and post their picture. No wonder crime is down. Good thing there are no robberies or burglaries to investigate. Maybe they could just report shopliftings as disorderly conduct to ucr and further reduce part I crimes.

  5. So police are not suppose to respond to thefts in progress?

    1. They are , however these are the only press releases we get and deserve no pat on the back; all they did was transport the idiot to jail, they didn't catch them and they didn't investigate. Where are the press releases for catching people for armed robbery, burglary, assault? There aren't many because they don't catch them, that would require actual police work. They skew the crime stats to down play the actual part I crime rate and the ones they don't change they don't put press releases out on but instead flood us with shoplifting arrest press releases so we think that is the main crime problem and something is being done about it.

  6. Where does is say they are looking for a pat on the back? Sad you are so clueless.


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