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Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Shut Up Officer

So let’s cut the crap, eh? Being a cop isn’t particularly dangerous as occupations go

“With the increasing number of ambush-style attacks against our officers, I am deeply concerned that a growing anti-government sentiment in America is influencing weak-minded individuals to launch violent assaults against the men and women working to enforce our laws and keep our nation safe,” said Craig Floyd, chairman and CEO of the memorial fund.

“Enough is enough,” he said in a statement. “We need to tone down the rhetoric and rally in support of law enforcement and against lawlessness.”

Here are the facts. There were 126 on-duty deaths reported among all officers in 2014. There are approximately 1 million sworn officers between federal, state, county and local government entities (and another couple of million employees who are not sworn; that is, they are not officers and do not have arrest powers, such as dispatchers and clerks.)

This is a rate of fatality of 12.6 per 100,000. Sounds bad, right?


If you’re a logger, you have a fatality rate ten times that of a cop.

A fisherman? Almost time times — 117 per 100,000.

A pilot? 53.4 per 100,000. Yes, really — it’s about four times as dangerous to fly a plane or chopper than be a cop.

The guy who puts your roof on? 40.5 per 100,000 — about three times as dangerous.

How about iron workers — you know, the guys who put up the buildings you work in? Yeah, those dudes. Three times the risk of a cop in dying, most from falls, being crushed by heavy materials or welding accidents.



  1. Oh I love it! I've been saying it! All lives matter! Cops have a dangerous job but only by themselves. Once a Buddy gets there that's a wrap. I've said it before FOP !!!!! Your no better than the garbage men! And you want more then them when hurt? You choose your own path...why should we pay for your misfortunes? Nobody is better then the next person!

  2. All lives matter but this guy is totally off base here. The reason all the "rhetoric" as he calls it started was because a few police officers (very few) abused their powers and murdered people. What makes it even worse is that they were excused of these crimes. If Mr Floyd wants the current climate to improve, he needs to focus on getting the bad cops out and making sure that they are prosecuted for their crimes. People have died for no reason. Cops or not, this is unacceptable behavior.

  3. These numbers are bull crap Joe and you know it. The numbers are screwed. Keep up the cop bashing old boy you may need them one day.

  4. A very few kill over a thousand people each and every year? They must be some serial killers then if the numbers of bad cops are so low.

    You can find these stats all over the internet and not once has cops been listed on the top ten dangerous professions.

    Look for yourself or continue believing the fairy tales.


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