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Sunday, January 25, 2015

*Shots Fired* *Barricade Situation* In Sailsbury

Wicomico First Alert
*Shots Fired* *Barricade Situation*
Reported neighbor shooting in the direction of another neighbor
UPDATE: *7 month old baby inside*
UPDATE: Suspect is refusing to exit the house at this time.
UPDATE: PD closing streets. Perimeter set up.
UPDATE: Suspect is not answering his girlfriend's texts or calls. She is with police.

311 Marshall Street

*We advise you to stay inside of you live in the area.


  1. I usually duck down low in my seat when driving in this neighborhood.

  2. If I had a face like yours I'd duck down too.

  3. What are you talking about, you know there's no such thing going on in Salisbury. We are a top 100 community, no crime or drugs or gangs or anything like that here. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

  4. Thought I heard the shots and sirens. Guess the dog won't be stretching his legs tonight after all.

  5. Oh darn..I was going to relocate my fortune 500 corporate headquarters to Salisbury.Oh well.

  6. They will recode it as disorderly conduct, case closed, part I crimes don't go up. Hey barbara, make the check payable to Luke Rommel et al

  7. Oh yeh , little Ferguson in this area. Full of very low life animals.

  8. Will the chief give out Free hugs for Thugs...

    1. The chief will give the guy a pizza and ice cream party and make him promise to never to it again...and then give him a hug. Then she will charge the people who called the police with making a false report, so she can recode the incident as a lesser infraction. Don't believe me? Keep drinking the kool aid!

  9. Pants Up, Hands Down!!!

    1. Hands up pants permanently down.


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