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Saturday, January 10, 2015

Ronald Reagan's Opinion

"The same government that requires a taxpaying citizen to document every statement on his tax return decrees that questioning a welfare applicant demeans and humiliates him."


  1. I didn't disagree with Reagan on much but he was wrong,not interrogating welfare applicants throughly only encourages welfare cheats.Look around at how many bums don't work and aren't going to work.

  2. 10:14 Read it again. You really missed the point.

  3. Reagan was right on point, you misread.

  4. Reminds of a friend who a few years ago decided to volunteer at a homeless shelter in a large city.
    She had the nerve ask why the residents couldn't clean up after themselves instead of the organization hiring a paid housekeeper which would save them money.
    She got the tongue lashing of her life. She was told in no uncertain terms that the homeless have been "demoralized" enough and to ask them to clean up after themselves would "dehumanize" them even more. She left shortly after, never to return after realizing homeless shelters are more a less an illusion and those who run them really don't want to see an end to homelessness because the homeless are a meal ticket for them. She said the staff got real nervous if they had empty beds because it could mean less government grant money.

  5. Sorry about that, I did misread it.


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