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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Retired professor turns whistleblower on climate change

While much of the debate over climate change surrounds whether or not it is occurring, one glaciologist and retired professor says the real issue is that the topic is being used as a political pawn to siphon money and votes.

Dr. Terry Hughes, in an interview with The College Fix, said researchers want to keep federal funding for climate change alive, and politicians want to earn environmentalist votes, and both predict global pandemonium to that end.

Hughes, a professor emeritus of earth sciences and climate change at the University of Maine, said for years his colleagues urged him to be in lockstep with former Vice President Al Gore – “the drum major in the parade denouncing global warming as an unmitigated disaster,” he told The College Fix.

But Hughes – who believes global warming is actually a good thing because more carbon dioxide isgood for the environment in many ways – said he does not want to march to that beat.

“Too many (the majority) of climate research scientists are quite willing to prostitute their science by giving these politicians what they want,” he said.

Hughes – who worked for 35 years at the Department of Earth Sciences and the Climate Change Institute at the University of Maine – said climate cycles overlap with election cycles, which helps politicians “get electoral visibility by pounding the panic drums.”



  1. AL gore isn't going to like this.

  2. Does it stun and amaze anyone else that these 'in the know' scientists and politicians and military brass and elite public servants at the end of their careers or lives come forth with the actual truth they've helped cover up for years? Does it sicken you as much as it does me? I want to ask, "If you knew then why TF did you put yourself above the whole of humanity? You POS."
    I read an article recently about classified material from WWII and the custodial committee overseeing it's maintenance. It seems that the older retiring generation of members felt it no longer needed to be classified and should be declassified. To which the newer younger members countered, "No indeed, we haven't made enough money off of this yet." This is the exact mindset of your ENTIRE federal gov't in one way or another.

  3. dittos 10:11 pm. I saw off with the heads of All of the EPA and it's cohorts. They're all liars for their own benefit, cause or Whatever. Regarding the POLS; never trust them.

  4. Stop the global warming / climate change hoax that excusing stupid political action that is leading to higher taxes, destructive and costly regulations and destructive geoengineering.


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