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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Principal: Let students hurl canned food to fight off intruders

VALLEY, Ala. -- A middle school principal in eastern Alabama wants to stockpile cans of food such as corn and peas in classrooms so that students could hurl them as weapons in a last-resort confrontation with a school intruder.

In a letter Friday, W.F. Burns Middle School Principal Priscella Holley asked parents to have each student bring an 8-ounce canned item.

"We realize at first this may seem odd; however, it is a practice that would catch an intruder off guard," she wrote in the letter, published by CBS affiliate WHNT in Huntsville.



  1. Can you say IDIOT? That's right throw a can of peas a a dumba$$ with an gun and he will return hot molten lead back at you and probably more of it. Think about it because the next pee might not be canned. It'll be loose in your pants!

  2. 5:50
    I don't know. Can you imagine having 30 cans of food thrown at you by teens? Ok so it probably is a stupid idea but at least they are not just hiding in a corner waiting for the worst to happen.

  3. Its the new method they are teaching in the schools regarding intruders. "Run, hide, fight" is what they have been implementing since Sandy Hook. If they can flee the school then that is their first option. If not they need to hide and barricade but if that intruder tries to enter a classroom, they are supposed to attack using whatever means they have available and hope for the best. Ask your kids as many of the schools around this area have implemented it as well.

  4. REALLY, You want some pansy Liberal who wants to take our guns away to teach our children how to fight! I can see Ireton now, Ssssssstop it. You go away now before I biotch ssssslap you, you bruit. By the way, my number is on the back of that card.

    1. Lol
      Maybe the mayor will throw marshmallows at him.

  5. as effective as blowing a whistle to fend off a rapist

  6. They can hire the local zoo monkeys to hurl objects, it wont just be food cans!

  7. Where do these idiots come from? It just boggels the mind that we have people that stupid educating our kids. oh thats right I forgot our mayor is a teacher.

  8. This does seem very strange. I guess I would not want to scare my child, but I would want him to be prepared. On the other hand, I can say that I would also wanted school representatives to take care of safety of our students instead of making them bring canned food. Have you noticed how education ratings has dropped? Have you ever thought why? I’ll tell you why: students no longer feel safe which prevents them from having good concentration. Probably this is why they look for superior essay writing companies all the time.


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