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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Pride On The Plaza?

If you're going to revitalize the Salisbury Downtown Plaza and encourage thousands of people to visit, show some pride and take care of it. 

Clearly this particular structure has seen a lot of vehicle crushing it. Put a couple of poles there or simply remove it. Go Figure.


  1. Looks like shit great job mayor.

  2. Cut down the parking meters and you'll have revitalization!

  3. Clearly we do not want to hold any polls there. I do believe we could use a few poles there.

  4. Hold on Joe , they may be working on a solution as we comment.
    They need to form a committee and waste a year debating , then get 3 estimates and debate these. So I do believe this will get fixed , just don't know when , since you have opened this door.
    Isn't it sad , the slum lord leader Ireton.

  5. The Salisbury "leaders" are so busy promoting themselves, they don't have time for fixing anything Joe.

  6. My son does a better job with LEGO.

  7. Put spike strips in front of anything cars aren't supposed to run into.

  8. Homosexuals usually pay closer attention to details like this as they are always so neat and tidy.

    Pop that collar Jimbo and get to it!

  9. Downtown Plaza? No, Slum Alley would be more accurate description.

  10. Got to wonder what mindset of people elected this mayor?

  11. Ireton and Day are following the lead of the Bd. of Ed. -- let things go to pot by not doing repair and maintenance then saying that its gotten too bad to refurbish.

    That latest downtown scheme will simply be a waste of funds since the downtown is terminal, despite the new watering hole at the old fire station.

  12. I love how the electronic sign that tells people not to park on the Riverside a Drive bike lane is completely blocking the sidewalk. Don't bother the bikers but screw the pedestrians.

  13. Let's see how we can blame this on the police? Since that's all this town does.

  14. If partially closing the main street in a town/city was so successful...then why didn't other local towns close theirs? Admit it,old worn out ideal that did't work.

  15. those things will be left in ruin because someday, that main street masterplan will be implemented so why fix anything, even if it takes years to build the new?

  16. Even when the bricks are repaired, the job is so sloppy it looks worse than it was when broken..


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