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Friday, January 09, 2015

President Scott Walker? Unions Start Panicking in 5…4…3…

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is rightfully feared by labor unions and the left that so heavily relies upon the deep pockets of the professional extortion rackets that, too often, serve as America’s labor unions.

The Wisconsin Republican successfully stripped unions of substantial power in his state and though the left mounted a fiery recall effort, the effort failed and Gov. Walker emerged a hero of the right: a man who took on the powerful unions and won.

The strong-willed Republican has long been rumored to be considering a 2016 presidential run and on Thursday, those rumors became stronger.



  1. Scott Walker would be a much better choice than Jeb Bush.

  2. 11:12 pm I agree but Scott Walker upsets the status quo so he will not likely get the nomination. Or Rand Paul for that matter.

  3. Interesting candidate because of his stands in Wisconsin. Cannot really see him getting major party backing. Then again, the Republican's are so completely without identity right now, they might go for it.

  4. They didn't like him.

    To be more precise, they thought him an extremist, un-electable, an ultra-right wing nut, dumb, ignorant and, more to the point, not one of their crowd.

    One out of six was absolutely correct.

    Ronald Reagan was not one of their crowd. Ever

    Re: The American Spectator

  5. 8:46 funny you should say that the republicans have no identity, that must be why they won so big in November. the republicans problem is their own establishment folks, that is why walker is a threat

  6. I hope this guy gets nominated and wins big time.

  7. Way better than Bush. We have had enough of the Bush, Clinton years, A new face

  8. Mitt just implied he will run,for what good it does.

  9. Walker or Paul is what I'm for. If the repubs can't send them, then I'll vote Independent like I did last election.


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