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Friday, January 16, 2015

Oxford University Press bans sausages and pigs from children’s books in effort 'to avoid offence'

Bizarre clampdown branded 'nonsensical political correctness'

Schoolbook authors have been told not to write about sausages or pigs for fear of causing offence.

Guidance from leading educational publisher the Oxford University Press prohibits authors from including anything that could be perceived as pork-related in their books.

The bizarre clampdown, apparently aimed at avoiding offence among Jews and Muslims, emerged yesterday during a discussion about free speech on Radio 4’s Today programme.

It was immediately branded ‘nonsensical political correctness’.



  1. Yep...satan is directing our leaders

  2. What, the Three Little Pigs become the Three Little Guinea Pigs?

  3. What about my rights? I like pigs and sausages. Find Jesus my friends, the end is near.

  4. These offended people need to get a life. Go back to where they came.

  5. There it is people' the end of your right to free speech and press! when you are told what you may and may not write about to be published for others to read then free speech has suffered a critical blow. This is censorship in the name of 'polictical correctness', which is in and of itself nothing but a form of censorship of free thought and expression. 'You can use this or that word anymore', where does this stop? Does this stop when our dictionary is only 50 pages?

  6. 8:31 according to these publishers the use of Guinea (least you offend an Italian) or pig (for fear of ofennding a Muslim or Jew) cannot be used either...there goes your freedom of press and speech!

  7. And don't mention muslim and pig in the same sentence, pigs will be strongly offened and may call to arms all other swines to revolt!


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