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Friday, January 16, 2015

Obama's Gun Control: Shut Down Bank Accounts

The Department of Justice, which got away with Fast and Furious — selling guns to Mexican drug cartels — is also getting away with this. It runs gun stores out of business by quietly telling their banks to close their accounts. The banks comply. The accounts are closed. Then the gun store’s doors are closed.

Without banking, a business is wiped out, unless it is financed by the Department of Justice, the way that Fast and Furious was.

Congress did not authorize this program, but what power does Congress have? If it sits mute on the sidelines, not much. It did not approve of Fast and Furious, either. That did not slow down Eric Holder and his band of merry gun runners.

Who made this decision at the DoJ about shutting down gun stores? Don’t ask. Don’t tell. Especially if you’re Congress.

Is Congress going to stop funding this? Congress has already passed Obama’s budget for fiscal 2015. It has nothing to say about this. It has already capitulated.



  1. This is under investigation...To find out...call your rep @ 202-224-3121

  2. This article doesn't pass the smell test. As bad as the Obama administration is..there is still a requirement for due process.

  3. To think that someone with enough money can't circumvent due process is idiotic and ignorant. It is a common practice and is performed every day. He who has the better lawyer get's their way. The scary fact is that if the government without coordinating with another country to perform something as egregious as Fast and Furious to impact not only their own legitimacy but also the safety and well being of the other country is so heinous that im surprised that it is still not a hot button topic today. Im sure it will be brought back up during the next election but that is far little too late because any of the conspirators will already be out the door. All the three letter agencies need to be placed on notice and should be issued cease and desist orders from the american people that these actions will not be tolerated. The american people have been living under a blanket of deceit for too long and need to wake up and realize that the "king" has overstepped his bounds on so many occasions that it should be classified as treasonous domestic terrorism.


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