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Thursday, January 08, 2015

ObamaCare 2015: Harvard faculty outraged over health care hikes

Turns out there’s no free lunch, even if you’re among those lucky few dining at the Harvard Faculty Club.

The New York Times is feasting on the delicious uproar created by Harvard professors who are now outraged to be hit with higher health care costs as a result of ObamaCare. I hardly know where to start on this one. Perhaps with the fact that the article appears in the New York Times? I will let that one go for the moment.

Here’s what’s clear: Health care costs at Harvard are going up. Immediately. And they are rising directly as a result of ObamaCare. 

We all want life to be better for everyone. Who wouldn’t want all of their fellow Americans, or all of humanity for that matter, to have good health care? But are you willing to personally take a pay cut to pay for the policy you are advocating?


1 comment:

  1. do as I say not as I do. oh, this wasn't meant for US; the elite. ouch, it's touching us now.

    poor babies...take your medicine.


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