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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

NYC Health Officials Warn of Increase in Bronx Cases of Severe, Potentially Deadly Form of Pneumonia

City health officials are warning New Yorkers about an increase in cases of Legionnaire's disease, a potentially deadly form of pneumonia, in the Bronx.

Eleven cases of the disease were reported in the Bronx in December, compared with two in December 2013 and three in December 2012. The 11 cases reported last month represent nearly 20 percent of the total of 61 cases the borough had in all of 2014. Most cases were in the northeast Bronx.



  1. More disease brought in by our "new Americans".

  2. True 7:20-We can forget about anything remaining isolated any more.I anticipate airport scanning devices that will determine if passengers have anything that is contagious before allowing them on a plane.Who knows,maybe that already exists & isn't used because of some stupid human rights issue.

  3. NOPE 8:30..... no scanning to come. They may take your temperature...but that will be it. They do not have the ability to check for anything else. We are not a television trick enabled country. Every court house witness is shocked to find out there is no easy tricks or tests to prove the criminal. Television has us expecting grand fixes and basically the opposite is happening because jurors are finding criminals innocent because they cannot believe that government does not have the ability to be everywhere and know everything. Call it television phony justice.


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