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Tuesday, January 06, 2015

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio Responds to Cops Who Turned Their Backs at Funerals

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio responded Monday to members of the NYPD who turned their backs at him during the recent funerals for the slain officers.

“Those individuals who took certain actions this last week – or last two weeks, really – they were disrespectful to the families involved,” the mayor said at Monday news conference, according to a rush transcript. “That’s the bottom line.”

“They were disrespectful to the families who had lost their loved one. And I can’t understand why anyone would do such a thing in a context like that,” he added. “I think it just defies a lot of what we all feel is the right and decent thing to do when you’re dealing with a family in pain.”



  1. Typical democrat-lying and spinning-NO DiBlasio they were being disrespectful to YOU as they very well should be. His rhetoric caused the murder of these 2 officers as much as did the person who pulled the trigger.
    This nut bottom feeder needs to move to Cuba where he spent his honeymoon with the lesbian nut he's married to. He can then tell his kid to fear the police in Cuba.

  2. Screw him he was wrong in what he said and did. No free rides Libtard. Your actions hurt more people then you will ever know. You get what you deserve.

  3. I believe the officers were there due to their respect and caring for the slain officers and their families.
    The back turning was done with their idiot mayor made his entry. Their mayor turned his back on them and they returned the gesture. I don't see the problem...

  4. @12:35 Well Said!!

  5. I see why this Country is so divided . Especially when you are always arguing between Democrat and Republic when neither one of these parties are worth a DAMN. They are Brothers both one and the same.


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