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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Mitt Romney ... Really? Again?


Well, well. The left-leaning “Republican” billed by the liberal press as the party’s most “electable” presidential candidate is back … despite the whole “electability” thing not panning out as predicted.

Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney – the crony capitalist/ welfare statist/ global interventionist/ socialized medicine supporter whose ideology is eerily similar to that of U.S. president Barack Obama – appears interested in mounting another bid for president in 2016.

Romney lost the 2008 primary to John McCain, and then lost the 2012 general election to Obama.

How come? Well in addition to his fiscally liberal ideology, Romney simply wasn’t (isn’t) trustworthy.

“When Romney does take a position, there’s no guarantee he’ll keep it,” we wrote in October 2012.

That trend is continuing …



  1. I think of my vote as an investment that I want to pay off. If my investment is so watered down by lost cause candidates I have to wonder if the Republican party is even worth the investment. I pray they will come up with a clear front leader because if not...we will be facing at least 4 years with Hillary. God forbid.

  2. Mitt Romney is a guaranteed loser, the Republican party knows it, buttttttttttttttttt he stands for big money, just like Jeb Bush. They're (the Republican party) throwing names out in hopes of seeing if any of them stick. The last thing they would want is a Tea Party candidate, because then there days of bloated greed would be over, and they know it. Tea Party represents conservative Americans. Republican Party represents greed and mega money. Democraps represent the Liberal world of Everything is FREE.

  3. He can't be serious? ?? I'm not this time.

  4. The article forgot to add "former liberal Democrat that promoted abortion and homo rights" in other words the perfect 'moderate' Republican. If we get him or Bush I will stay home, the country will be doomed regardless.


  5. Mitt is a good man and was a good governor in Massachusetts under the circumstances in a very Blue state.

    Jeb was a good governor in Florida but stepped away and was silent when he could have been an advocate in the interim.

    Huckabee had accomplishments as governor in Arkansas but he made some notable miscues and has been away quite a while.

    Christie is doing a reasonable job in Blue New Jersey but what they'll settle for won't play across the country.

    Rubio disgraced himself on the immigration topic and has yet to really reassure that he won't wet his finger before speaking.

    Santorum's day is past.

    None of the above, despite the good they accomplished previously, are the answer going forward. They should stow their egos and work for the betterment of the country by supporting an electable candidate.

    The GOP has a superior group of sitting male and female governors to choose from; their job is most like that of President and one of them should be the nominee.


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