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Friday, January 23, 2015

Md. woman who struck, killed 13-year-old girl with her car gets 2 months in jail

SILVER SPRING, Md. (AP) - A Maryland woman who was learning to drive when she fatally hit a 13-year-old girl has been sentenced to two months in jail.

Thirty-three-year-old Esperanza Vasquez was sentenced Thursday on a traffic charge during an emotional hearing in Montgomery County court. Prosecutors have said they wouldn't file criminal charges against Vasquez because her actions didn't rise to the level of criminal negligence.

Vasquez was learning how to drive in the parking lot of Eastern Middle School in Silver Spring on July 1 when her car jumped a curb and plunged down a grassy slope, killing 13-year-old Deborah Reyes Casasola. The teen had been watching a soccer game at the school.



  1. Is she even legally here?

  2. You can't ask that question, you might hurt someones feelings and God forbid if someones feelings are hurt by a question!

  3. Maryland does not care if someone is illegally here. They give illegals / non - citizens drivers license and allows them to vote.
    10:09 where have you been. Md is a mirror of Liberal CA.


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